Chapter 7

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The bell rang and everyone was now seated in class. And Tim he looked great. His eye bags were much less and his hair looked better than other days. And this was all thanks to our great Marinette. That girl definitely was something.

And somewhere far away, stood a woman carefully spying on her child. It's been years since they've last seen each other. And this was all thanks to the very same man that had to ruin everything. The man that had to make her choose between her child and some old peasant boy. The same man that made her take custody of the boy and get rid of the girl. Oh that man, he deserved something even Hell couldn't offer. That man just deserved to completely disappear. Should've never even existed for that matter. But who would've then created Marinette's lovely mother.

Damian looked at the girl besides him and thought,'it all makes much more sense. No wonder she's never spoken a word, meep even. Nothing. But the power, where did that come from'?

The teacher disappeared for a while leaving her class to work on some sheets, and then Damian heard Tim's voice.

"So? Any plans for today"?

Damian had no idea what the hell was wrong with him. He had no idea why his anger was rising either. And, this little situation shouldn't even be bothering him at all in the first place. So why was he so unsteady all of a sudden. So worked up with just a simple question.

Then she smiled and nodded.

And that's when he lost it. He got out of his seat and headed straight for the teachers desk. he grabbed her laptop and threw it out the now broken window. And this definitely caught the attention of everyone.


"IT'S HER FAULT"!!! Damian pointed right at Marinette.


Marinette looked at him. Like, what has she done. Nothing.

"She hasn't done anything, Damian. You're just obsessing over the mere fact that she's just better than you. What your doing right now is not healthy. Please go outside, I'll go out in a second". Damian grumbled but left anyways.

Most of the students were a little surprised but let it all go for now. Who knew what could happen. Tim also left and Marinette was now seated in the back, alone.

And her mother, well, she took this time as the perfect moment to kidnap her child. She used some kind of rope thing and threw it right through the broken window. And somehow, it actually tied Marinette and she got pulled and out and went flying out the classroom.

And sadly, nobody noticed because for once, they were focused on their assignments and not on their peers.

Meanwhile, Tim decided to speak with Damian. It wasn't normal for Damian to act like this. Unless he was having his world ending mood swings. But, he had some a while ago. So that definitely was not it.

" Damian, please tell me what's wrong. And don't say it's her. She hasn't done anything to you".

"Oh, she has. Every single time I see her, it's, it's all your fault Drake. Your obsession for her. It's affecting me in ways it shouldn't".

Tim made a face of realization.

" I won't confirm it. You'll have to talk to Dick about this". And with that, Tim left his younger sibling alone. He took his seat by Marinette and realized, she wasn't there. And she wasn't even in the classroom.

He frantically looked around and nothing. She was no where in sight. So he immediately left the classroom while the teacher came in. He walked out of the school and ran around the streets yelling for her.

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