Not Just Human

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"What are you talking about I'm just human, just like you were." I said. At one point I did think I could be something more I used to have all this visions and predictions, but that's how I ended up at Eichen so I'm not dealing with the supernatural anymore.

"Oh come on y/n, we both know that isn't true." He grinned at me sneakily and cut my hand with the knife. "Let's see how fast you heal."

I stared at him the whole time not wanting to actually look at my bleeding hand if I did somehow mysteriously heal.

His face changed from a grin to a look of confusion, "That's weird your not healing yet."

"Yeah because I told you I'm just a girl. I was right ok, so can you let me go now?"

"You're not right, not yet at least there is still some more tests I can run to see who you really are." I could tell he was getting frustrated so I decided to use this to my advantage.

"So Stiles, if I should even call you that, Void, Evil Stiles, Mr. Nogitsune?" All I had to do was work him till he broke. "If these so called test do work, and I am some supernatural creature, what will you do with me then. Because I will have probably already gathered up the supernatural strength to break these ties and beat the shit out of you."

Stiles almost laughed at this, he squatted down and stared me in the eyes.

"If you do break free I could easily beat you, and if you are supernatural, I'm going to use you because for some reason we are linked. I've seen this before and I'm not letting you go this time."

"What do you mean this time? I've never met you before and as far as I'm concerned I would much rather love to be with Stiles then you."

"Not you, but someone just like you, someone who had the power to predicted the future. You're a Kappa I'm guessing just like the last, and with your help I can defeat Scott."

A Kappa? A magical being who could uphold prophecies and predict and alter the future? No this man was crazy, not me.

"You're messed up in the head if you think I'm a Kappa, Mr. Nogitsune."

"Well you're pretty little head is going to alter my future so I can kill your friends and then maybe I'll buy us a nice house in the country side." He said rolling his eyes.

"You're sick!" With this I broke the ties around my hands, which I had been wearing down on the back of the chair the whole time we were talking, and kicked Void and ran for the door.

"NOT SO FAST!." Void got up faster then I expected and grabbed my arm spinning me around and sticking a needle in my neck.

"Next time you think about running, remember I'll do whatever it takes to stop you." He said to me before I passed out into his arms and everything went black.

When I woke up Allison, Mr. Argent, Derek and Sheriff Stilinski were all around Void Stiles. A man, who I presumed was Allison's dad, Mr. Argent, had a gun pointed at Void, while Void was screaming at him to shoot.

"Argent put the gun down!" Yelled Stilinski while Allison quickly came up behind them and shot her taser at Void. Instead of it hurting him, Void grabbed the taser string and used it against Allison.

After Void had taking down each one of them he just disappeared. Allison came running over to me.

"Y/N! Are you ok? What did he do to you?" She said looking really concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine, it was nothing." I said lying.

"Guys where is he?" Derek got up and looked around the loft. Stiles was completely gone like he just disappeared out of no where.

"Y/n I don't think it is safe for you to stay in your apartment tonight, you should stay with me and my Dad." Allison said looking to her dad, he gave her a reassuring head nod as if to say that it was ok.

"But, what about Malia, if I'm not safe in my apartment neither is she."

"I can handle myself." Malia said walking through the loft doors, "And I can protect y/n too, and if anywhere is the safest place it would be our apartment. Stiles doesn't know where that is. We have a good chance he won't find her there."

"I think Malia is right." I said, "If Stiles doesn't know where the apartment is, that's where I want to be. Also we don't even know if he will be coming for me, I think he got what he wanted to know just now."

"I don't think so." Lydia said walking up into the loft with Scott beside her.

"We don't think your just human, and we think whatever you are... Void needs you to complete his plan." Scott said, getting confused looks from everyone in the loft.

"Not to mention the fact that he is linked to you." Lydia said looking from me to Scott.

"What do you mean, linked to me? And I'm pretty sure if I wasn't human I would have found that out by now."

"My mom found a piece of your jacket in the woods." Scott said motioning towards a rip in my jacket, it must have happened when I was fighting Stiles. "She took it in for DNA testing and the DNA she found was not human DNA, y/n you're definitely supernatural."

"And if you let us help you I think you're the key to getting Stiles back." Lydia said, "I have a strong... feeling, about it."

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now