Stiles POV

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——Stiles's POV——
Each school day I spent my time looking around the halls for y/n, today was no different. She had been especially anxious recently with Void coming back into our lives.

It was a shock to us all but she took it especially hard considering how much Void had put her through.

Sitting in Coach's class was usually some sort of interest to me but today was just plain boring.

"Pst-" Malia said from behind me, "Pst, Stiles." She tapped on my shoulder with her pen. "What's wrong Stiles?"

"What? Nothing." Malia just shrugged and sat back in her seat, Lydia noticed something was up and decided to join in the conversation.

"Are you worried about y/n and the plan?" She said whispering under her breath so Coach wouldn't hear.

"No of course not, she's got this."

"If you say so." Lydia tilted her head a bit and pursed her lips, I just shook my head at her lack of believing in y/n.

"She can do it." Scott said next to Lydia, listening in on our conversation. "Theo trained her well."

"Yeah and why are we trusting Theo again?" Malia spoke in almost a normal tone before Lydia shushed her back to a whisper.

"He's proven himself." Scott said as more of a question.

"I still don't trust him, probably never will."

"I'm with Stiles on this one," Malia agreed with me. "After the whole false parents thing I just don't believe he has the best intentions."

"You weren't even here for that Malia." Lydia said proving a point.

"Yeah, but I still know things."

"Is there something you four would like to share with the class?" Coach asked as we all stopped talking and looked back at him shyly.

"No, sorry Coach." Scott replied for all of us.

"Stop being a bunch of Chatty Cathys and pay attention to class for once." Coach rolled his eyes and scoffed as he walked back up to the chalk board.

"Y/n can do it." I finally said in the silence when Coach was out of hear shot.

Usually the only time I get to see y/n at school is during lunch. And I always found myself overwhelmingly happy when the bell rang ending the period before lunch.

As soon as class was over I hurried outside to the picnic benches our group had been sitting at recently. Allison was with me because we had just gotten out of geometry together.

"So you and y/n?" I gave her a harsh look as she asked me the question. "Come on I see the way you are with her, and I bet she likes you too."

"If y/n likes me I would literally go out of freaking mind."

"We live in a world with werewolves and banshees, anything is possible." Allison sat down on one of the seat of the picnic table and I followed sitting across from her.

Eventually everyone else made their way to our table, Scott and Y/n were on either side of me. I noticed y/n was being unusually quiet during the conversation, she always had something to say.

"My mom said Void came into the hospital looking for her, and that he might even be back. I figured that would be a good chance for y/n to get into his head." Scott said changing the topic from scarfs to the plan.

Y/n nodded as Scott looked to her but still kept quiet.

"So once we see Void what will we do?" Isaac asked.

"We have to somehow corner him where he doesn't see y/n." Allison said.

"And then y/n will come up and get into his mind." Scott explained.

"Why can't you just claw his neck?" Y/n asked finally saying something.

"That's totally different, we need to be able to control his thoughts this time-"

"And your the only one who can do that." I said interrupting Scott. Y/n looked from Scott to me with the same worried look from before. I put a reassuring hand on her leg.

"Great..." She said picking up her bag and walking off.


Y/n's POV


I could hear Stiles calling after me as I walked off from the picnic table. For some reason I couldn't breath and needed to get away, it didn't matter that we were already outside.

I walked past the picnic tables with laughing kids and others rushing to finish some last minute homework. School just seemed so unimportant to me right now.

The school building didn't look too inviting and I still wanted to be outside in the fresh air so instead of going inside I walked towards the sport's field.

It was totally empty, no one was hanging out at the field during school hours if they could help it. I took a seat on one of the empty stands and threw my head into my hands.

How did everyone have so much faith in this plan when I didn't even know how to do the main task.

"Mind if I sit." Stiles's voice startled me and I looked back up at him and nodded. Him took the seat next to me and looked out into the field. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think I have this type of power in me." I started, rubbing my hands back and forth against each other. "I can't do it."

"Y/n, you are the strongest person I know." Stiles said taking my hands in his and resting them in his lap.

"If anyone can take down Void, it's you. And I'll be by your side no matter what, we all will."

I know it is crazy but Stiles's confidence gave me confidence. I trusted him more than anyone and knew that he one hundred percent believed in me.

I wasn't going to let him down.

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now