Help From The Enemy

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"Pause right there." I said looking from Kira to Scott. "Who the hell is Theo?"

"I'll explain to her, you guys go and get him, but be careful." Liam said.

Kira, Scott and Allison left and Liam was left explaining to me and Malia all about Theo and how he had tricked Scott and killed he sister.

"If he is such an evil guy, why are we freeing him from, his sword prison?" Malia said obviously confused by the whole situation.

"He has all the answers." Corey replied.

"Yeah he literally knows everything there is to know about the supernatural." Mason looked at Corey, "How does he know all that?"

Corey just shrugged and looked at me, "I know this isn't the best plan but it's the only way you can reach your full potential and save Stiles."

"We won't let you get hurt." Corey said, as the back door opened and Scott, Allison and Kira walked in with someone new, Theo I was guessing.

"Y/n, Malia this is Theo," Scott said, Kira tossed the sword to Liam.

"If he tries to pull anything, you put him right back in the ground."

Theo walked over to me and looked me over head to toe. "So this is the Kappa... Yeah I can help train her, but I'm going to need some reassurance from you first."

"Yeah sure whatever you need." Scott said.

Theo looked at Liam holding the sword, "Break the sword."

"What! No way!" Liam said looking at Scott to back him up.

"Liam, we don't have a choice here." Scott said. Liam looked angry but turned the sword handle, shattering it into a million pieces.

Theo grinned, "If you do anything," Liam approached him, "Having the sword won't matter, cause I'll kill you myself."

The day was coming to an end and we decided to start early training in the morning.


I put on a pair of silk pajamas and called down to Malia, "I'm going to bed Malia!"

No response.


I walked down the stairs from my bedroom to the kitchen. "Malia?"


I walked back up the stairs and passed my room to Malia's.


I turned around to go back to my room, when I ran into her, "Oh gosh Malia, you scared me I thought-" I stopped turning on the hall light, and saw Stiles right in front of me.

"Where's Malia?" I shouted.

"Don't worry she isn't in any harm." Stiles said walking closer to me and I walked backwards.

"Looks like your friends found out who you really are." Stiles said with a mischievous smirk on his face. "Do you think Theo is actually going to help you? And what if you can't control your new found power?"

I had thought about that before, I guess Void was the only one who was going to say it.

"I'd be shocked if you haven't turned them all against you by the morning. But don't worry if all your friends leave you, I'll be here to help you. Think about your powers with mine, we would be unstoppable."

"You're delusional, my friends wouldn't leave me over a mistake. And I would never help you."

Stiles got frustrated and put his hands to the side of my head. Suddenly I was standing with Scott and the pack in the middle of school.

There was fire and kids running out of the rubble. Scott looked up at me holding a cut on his side wincing from the pain. Malia was laying on a broken desk a huge cut across her face.

"How could you!" Corey shouted at me, bending over Mason who was hurt badly.

And just like that I was back in my apartment with Stiles.

"See what could happen if you lost control, everyone would blame you, and you would be alone. But I wouldn't leave-"

"You're sick." I said pushing my hands into his chest, throwing him off me.

"Y/n!" Malia shouted, "Are you okay?" I looked around Void wasn't there, nothing had happened.

"Yeah I'm good Malia." I lied.


The next morning I met up with Theo in the woods. Malia wanted to come as backup but Theo insisted on being alone or he wouldn't help.

"You're late." Theo said, I looked down at my phone.

"It's 6:01, I'm one minute late."

"Does it matter, I have other stuff to do."

"Like what? You just came out of the ground, it's not like your evil plan can't wait a few more hours."

Theo looked at me, "I don't have an evil plan, I'm trying to get a job, if you really want to know."

I laughed a little thinking about Theo working at a grocery store.

"Ok where do we start?" I said dropping my bag by Theo's.

"Well I heard you supposed to be fast, let's see how fast you actually are."

Theo had set up a running path along the forest, he held a stop watch out, "You ready, focus."

This was our fifth take and I hadn't ran any faster then the first times.

Focusing, I listened, "Go!" Theo shouted.

I went, and I hadn't noticed anything but I heard Theo shouting, "You're doing it keep going!"

I realized I was running faster then I could even imagine. I had round the course and was making it to the end.

Out of the corner of my eye I caught a flash of someone standing.


I lost focus and tripped over myself, sliding on the ground.

Theo came running over to me and was now standing over me, "You lost focus."

"Yeah no shit." I said picking myself up.

Theo looked me in the eye, puzzled.

"What?" I asked.

"You're scared of your own power."

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat