The Black Light Party

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"What about the black light party?" Theo asked starting to get frustrated now.

"You really think it's a good idea to put all those people in harm's way by fighting Void at the black light party?" Scott asked.

"It's the only place Void would want," Theo glanced at me then back at Scott. "With all those people there, it would be the perfect place to strive off of chaos and confusion."

"Ok, so what's the plan?" I asked staring at Theo.

"You have enough physical energy to basically rip Void in half." Theo pointed at me then made a ripping motion.

Stiles winced at the thought of a body being ripped in half.

"Not actually being ripped in half." Theo reassured.

"Yeah, of course." Stiles quickly said in agreement.

"Anyway," Theo continued. "Once the sun goes down the party will start, everyone will be there."

"Meaning all of the pack will be there as well." Lydia said reassuringly.

"Deaton said, we have to change the host, which would mean we would have to turn Stiles's body into a werewolf. It won't affect the real Stiles at all." Scott put a hand on Stiles's shoulder.

"So were do I come in?" I asked, looking from Scott to Theo.

"We need your energy to basically trap him, while he is trapped Scott will bite him and then we destroy the firefly." Theo answered.

"We tried destroying it last time, I think we should burry it by the nemeton like Mrs. Yukimura did all those years ago." Lydia pulled a jar out of her purse and showed it to all of us. She obviously wanted us to it as a container for the nogitsune spirit.

"Ok." I sighed, "Sounds easy enough." I felt my phone chime in my pocket and saw a text from Corey.

"Corey is at Derek's loft setting up, I'm going to meet up with him." I said, putting the phone back away in my pocket.

"Good, you can fill him and Mason up on the plan." Stiles said waving at me as I left the house.


"Wow this place looks amazing!" I said, walking into Derek's loft. Corey and Mason were the only two people there but they sure turned the place from rust bucket to black light rager.

There was less then two hours now before the party and Corey was setting up the music system when I walked over to help Mason put out all the drinks and food on the refreshment table.

"So what if this plan blows up and Void ends up killing everyone at the party. Not only that but, blows up the whole loft, the whole complex!"

Mason said, when I finished explaining the plan to him and setting up the last of the food.

"Mason," I interrupted. "That isn't going to happen, and why are you being so dramatic about this whole thing just calm down."

He just shrugged and sat down on the couch with a big sigh, admiring our work.

"You're not Deadpool you know." Mason said after a short pause.

"What the heck does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"I'm just saying you're not un-killable. Just remember that."

"Thanks Mason, that's really helpful." I turned away and saw Corey walking towards the two of us.

"Less then thirty minutes till sundown." Corey said looking down at his watch.

"Wow time really goes fast."

There was a knock at the loft door and Stiles and Scott appeared on the other side holding what looked to be a speaker of some sort.

"Hey Stiles." I said walking up to him and grabbing his hand.

"This place looks great." Stiles said, pulling me into a hug. "Can't wait to get our party on." He danced around in a joking way.

"Yeah, just don't forget that's not the only reason we're here tonight." Scott said, setting the speaker down in the corner of the room.

"Fun killer." I said rolling my eyes, half avoiding the fact that there was pressure for tonight to go exactly as planned.

The rest of the thirty minutes more of the pack showed up, including Allison who brought the glow in the dark paint and Kira who showed the DJ what to do and what the music selection was.

When the sun went down, everything was perfect for the party and the guest started piling in.

Stiles walked over to me from across the loft dancing with random people on his way. I laughed and met him in the middle.

"This Void thing-" He started before I interrupted him.

"We can talk about Void or... You can paint my body." I said unbuttoning my top and revealing the now glowing bra, underneath.

"Yeah that one sounds better, let's do that one." Stiles said stumbling over his words.

I laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the body painting station. I handed Stiles a paintbrush and he started painting my body.

Afterwards he looked up at me and leaned in for a kiss, I put a paintbrush up to his lips and it left a smear of glowing green paint.

Stiles kissed me anyways and I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Stiles wait-" I said tapping Stiles. He stopped and looked in the direction I was looking.

In the corner of the room Void stood there with a smirk on his face, when he locked eyes with the two of us he waved and disappeared into the crowd.

"We have to find Scott." Stiles said. I nodded in agreement and he took my hand and wondered around looking for Scott.

Eventually we found him on the roof with Kira.

"Scott!" Stiles called out towards him as the two of us walked out onto the deck, which lead to where Scott and Kira were sitting.

He looked shocked to see us and quickly got to his feet with Kira following behind, jumping to her feet. "What is it." He asked.

"Void is here." I said glancing quickly from Scott to the window that showed the main party.

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now