The Weeks Following

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I woke up in a panic sweat, I've been having the same reoccurring nightmare every night since the fight.

It started off as me walking up to the nemeton, the tree Lydia and I had buried the nogitsune under.

And every time Void would appear and grab my throat, causing me to wake up grabbing at my neck.

My phone buzzed on the table beside my bed, I picked it up and saw a message from Stiles.

Y/n, you think you can meet up at school? Alone.

I looked at the time, 5:48. Geez Stiles.

Hopping out of bed I went and grabbed my jacket as silently as I could, trying not wake Malia. No telling why Stiles wanted to meet so early in the morning, but whatever it could be interesting?

I walked out of the apartment and started towards the school. It didn't take to long, the school was pretty close.

"Hey thanks for meeting me." Stiles greeted me at the entrance.

"Yeah, of course. What is this about again?" I said with a yawn.

"That's just it... I don't know." I stared at him obviously not following, "My phone started going off like crazy with all these notifications about some weird energy coming from the school."

"Wait how does your phone know where weird energy is?" I asked.

"I got it hooked up with the supernatural detector that Argent uses. But anyways I thought it would be a good chance for you to test out your abilities on whatever this thing is."

"Stiles I don't need to-"

"Yes you do, ok?" He interrupted me, "You haven't actually used your powers since..." He stopped. It was obviously still a hard topic for him.

"Yeah alright, I'll do it." I said trying to distract him from past thoughts.

We walked around the school looking for whatever had alerted Stiles's phone.

Stiles was rambling on, "Maybe all this silence in Beacon Hills, has finally come to a stop. I mean not that I want there to be an actual supernatural threat, just that we haven't had one in a while... actually... it's been a suspiciously long time-"

"Stiles!" I stopped him, "I think whatever is around here can hear you talking from a mile away."

He smirked and agreed quickly returning to the silence.

After about thirty more minutes we decided to call it a false alarm.

"Hop in I'll take you back to your apartment." Stiles said hopping in his jeep.

I got in the passenger side and Stiles pulled out, neither one of us noticing the figure watching us from inside the classroom.

"I don't think I ever really said sorry for everything that happened." Stiles started.

"It wasn't your fault, you don't have to apologize."

"Just let me apologize, it will make me feel better."

"Alright, if you really want to feel better I'm going to need more than an apology." I said smirking at Stiles.

"Oh yeah?" He said smiling back, "What did you have in mind?" He asked still driving towards my apartment.

I looked down at my phone, which popped up with the time, 6:43.



Stiles pulled over at a café and hopped out, I followed behind and sat in the booth he had picked out.

"Do you think Scott has made me part of the pack yet?" I asked out of the blue.

"Well there isn't really a recruiting ceremony or anything." Stiles responded.

"Yeah, I get that. It's just he hasn't really said anything about staying and joining his pack."

"Where you ever planning on leaving?" Stiles asked me.


Stiles took my hands, which were resting on the table, he looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"I definitely think you and Malia are part of the pack."

I smiled back, "Thanks Stiles."

All of a sudden a song started playing over head, "Oh shit,"

"What?" Stiles asked concerned.

"I love this song."

"Don't do that again, you scared me." He laughed.

"Wanna dance?" I asked giving him my best begging face.

"Not really, no." He said and took a sip of his water.

"It's literally Tiny Dancer, how do you expect me to get up and dance without a dance partner?"

"Well I don't really expect anyone to dance at all." He said.

"To late." I said hopping out of the booth, I held a hand out towards Stiles, "Last chance."

He sighed and took my hand jumping out of the booth and pulling me close.

We danced to the music, laughing and forgetting about everyone else in the world for a small moment.

Stiles spun me and I landed in his arms. He pulled into his chest and looked down at me with his beautiful brown eyes and smiled.

I started leaning in until we heard a crash outside and jumped apart.

We ran out of the café to see two cars had ran straight into each other, "Oh hell," Stiles said shocked.

The crash was pretty bad for only involving two cars, but the people inside seemed to get out before things got worse.

Stiles and I ran up to an owner of one of the cars, she was beaten up pretty bad.

"Hey are you ok ma'am?" I asked the lady.

She stared back at Stiles behind me, "Are you ok? I mean you were in the middle of the whole thing... and you seem not to have a scratch now." She said confused.

"What?" Stiles just said confused, "You must have me confused-"

"Stiles." I interrupted him pointing towards the woods across from the café.

A person shaped figure was staring back at us, it was to dark to see a face. And when we started to stare closer, the figure turned towards the woods and walked off.

"Could that have been?" Stiles trailed off.

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now