In Control

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This being my first time in control of someone's mind I was kind of just winging it. Plus it was extra scary because I wasn't in control of just anybody's mind, this happened to be a thousand year old trickster fox spirit's mind.

Suddenly I found myself in the middle of the woods, trees jutted out over my head. It was cold and dark.

"Hello there." I spun around to see Stiles facing me, he had a smirk across his face that told me this wasn't the Stiles I had wanted to come in contact to, over Void of course.


"The one and only." He said holding up his hands.

"Why don't you just stop hiding in Stiles's body and face me full on." I said, it sounded to me like I was shouting but my voice never got higher then a normal tone.

"As you wish." Suddenly I was turned around and around, the whole forest seemed to shake.

The world stopped spinning and now I was back at school, the only light was coming from the emergency lights that always stayed on.

I looked down the hall for anything that would help me get an idea of what is happening. Suddenly the sound of scraping metal made me jump and spin around.

"Hello?" I called into the long dark hallway, "Who's there?"

"Don't you know never to ask 'who's there,' might as well investigate a strange noise or something." A raspy voice called out from the shadows.

It was hard to remind myself that I was the one in control here. Somehow it was my mind that was coming up with these voices and settings.

"We could show you how to control your powers better." The nogitsune now took on a full figure in front of me, he had emerged from the shadows and was scraping a weird shaped metal bar against the lockers.

"How come you are the one controlling my mind, but I am the one who has the upper hand?" The nogitsune made a full circle around me before walking into a classroom door.

Screw it, I thought to myself as I followed him in the door, "Malia?" I asked as I walked in seeing Malia sitting on one of the desks. Her hand was wrapped around her wrist, blood flowing down her finger tips.

"Stay away from me!" She yelled tears in her eyes. "Look what you did to us."

"Help." I heard call out from the corner of the room, I wasn't going to look, none of this was real and I needed to prove to myself I was still in control.

"This isn't real, you're not real." I said pointing towards Malia and walking back out of the classroom.

"Are you sure about that?" Void asked as I appeared back in the hallway.

He had taken the form of Stiles again, which didn't help me feel any less guilty.

Void started to walk towards me, his hands behind his back. I tried to face up to him but I found myself walking backwards and hit up against the wall.

"I thought you were dead?" He questioned hovering a hand next to my cheek. I could feel it looming there, as he gently rubbed a finger against my skin.

"Although I'm much happier you are alive." He leaned in close, "I didn't want to kill you, you're just... so damn powerful." His lips were centimeters away from mine before I pushed him off.

"I'm in control here, you can't make me believe other wise."

Void's face looked playfully shocked. I closed my eyes and focused all I had in trying to control the spirit's mind.

For some reason it was my mind that was making up all this. But why?

"Y/n. Y/n!" I was shook awake by Stiles, I opened my eyes to see the woods around me. The nemeton right underneath me, I had been laying on it.

"Y/n, I can't believe I found you out here." Stiles said throwing his hands in the air.

"What's going on? Why did you need to find me?" I sat up on the overly large tree stump and looked Stiles in the eye.

"I took my eyes off of you for two seconds and you disappeared. Lydia had some banshee vision about you and the nemeton." Stiles said banshee with quotation marks, it was still new to me.

"Let's go, my jeep is right here." I guess I hadn't notice the jeep sitting there this whole time.

"Wait, what happened to Void?"

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked with questioning eyes.

I laughed slightly, "I mean Void, when I disappeared, what happened to the person I was mind controlling.'"

"Oh," Stiles paused, "He disappeared too, don't know what happened to him." Stiles put out a hand, which I reluctantly took and followed him to the car.

Once we got in, Stiles explained to me everything that had happened since I had disappeared up to when he had just found me.

He explained how he went to the pack afterwards and explained what had happened, Lydia was the one to speak up and offer her help.

I stared out the window, trying to think of the things that had just gone down but nothing was really connecting right now. Maybe I just needed to start fresh a new day and then my thoughts will be clear.

Stiles's stare was so harsh I could feel it without even turning around, although I couldn't tell if the stare was more I'm worried about you type or trying to read my thoughts stare.

"What is it?" I asked Stiles as he pulled off the side of the road and put his stick shift to a stop. He glanced up at me and took my hands.

I stared back at him feeling unsure about what was happening.

One of his hands move up to my cheek while the other was still holding my hand in a comforting sort of way.

He stared into my eyes and said, with a head tilt, "See how easy it was for me to get inside your head?"

Chaos Has Come Again // Stiles Stilinski (Void)Where stories live. Discover now