Journal Log 1

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A/N: I just noticed the error I did, so I changed the chapter title to Journal Log 1. To new readers, this will serve as a sequel to chapter 13. So you can read this right now or go to chap 13, and return here. After this, journal logs would be written after a certain chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience (Date: 1/8/2021)


Journal Log 1, start.

Ah, it's been a while since I last made one of these. I know no one would read these since I deleted old journal logs back at HQ. Mostly because of some personal stuff that I don't want anyone finding out.

Though, it's mostly when I was back in TAPOPS. I made these for documentation whenever I go to missions. At first, maybe it's just me wanting to note some awesome things that I just did during my missions. I started them when I was 11 years old, weird for a child to suddenly enter the field. Yet, how could it when a strange evil alien just threatened my life and put a target sign on my back? It's understandable how I end up in this.

I was strangely ecstatic, well, life of an adventure filled with action, and fighting bad guys seemed fun. Mostly, when we were assigned with more experienced or older agents, it was always saving power spheres. A bonus if we were to fight bad guys or maybe save a village or two (maybe even a planet).

Kaizo and I were an inseparable pair, and always put-on different teams together. The moment we turned 12, well Kaizo was now 13 that time, we were nominated for a position of Lance Corporal. It was because of some events that somewhat changed our views in the battlefield. I really remember when we were kids, Kaizo was the arrogant one, and I was somewhat naive and innocent, though there were times I also had a big head of an ego too. Regardless, I know that we need to focus on missions for the sake of every rescued power spheres, for everyone, and the safety of the entire galaxy.

Well, the reason for that promotion was a way to compensate the sudden events, which only led to the two of us defending the high ground. Adult aliens and Humans alike can really be cruel to their fellow ones. Our ship with loaded rescued power spheres were raided. They were alien mercenaries with dangerous criminal backgrounds. It was late at night and most of us were sleeping, it was just unexpected that they suddenly attacked at the right timing, all because one of our comrades looked away from the monitor for solid minute.

It didn't help how most of the crew was either given the final blow, or thrown away to space without any hopes of being found. It was down to Kaizo and I to defend, while the remaining tried to protect the power spheres and be the last line of defense.

We did a great job. However, it wasn't worth celebrating since many lost their lives from that raid. It was the first time I encountered a loss of life, and it was not one. Kaizo seemed stricken to this as well. Even when they commended on how we defended the power spheres at such overwhelming number of foes, none of us seemed happy. We accepted the rank, though it didn't make things okay for us.

Starting out young could really change a person. In the field, I never thought I could witness many things outside the comfort of my parents, and from TAPOPS station. I was surprised how I tried to remain my childlike mindset, and it wasn't because I've moved on, but I was trying to bury those memories.

Maybe this was one of my triggers or signs that Dark became like this. He did say that the form he takes represents emotions or personalities from the current master. Just like my old elementals, he did so. I could guess that maybe hiding my emotions or being in denial made Dark like that. Everything is really confusing for me right now, even when I'm really aware as to why most of these events happened.

My first journal log, and it's just me rambling at words. I'm recording this in my watch... it really is a missed habit.

Well, I think it's okay. The contents in here are just the memories that I recall back then. Seeing dad and hearing those words made me remember a lot. He was a child soldier too, even if he found Mechabot when he was 14, and started this superhero gig. I was five when I entered this mess, and now, I'm a mess myself.

Recording this would make me clear my thoughts on what I could tell when my brothers finally grow up. I would tell them all of these, just not now. But I fear for what may come. Gempa, Halilintar, and Blaze already showed their powers. This made me think, and I asked Ochobot to do a scan.

Turns out, there's an energy residue inside of them that seemed to be dormant. It was true, what I did six years ago and it appeared in my eyes. I just wish that they would still view me the same, not when I did a selfish thing. It's even hard when Gempa could sense how I'm feeling all the time. I wondered about it, but maybe it's because he reminds me of my Earth elemental self. He even said that I was lying about many things, and it hurts how I just couldn't tell them about this right now.

I really wanted them to enjoy some semblance of childhood, because I know that one day, someone will be looking for me and would drag my brothers along. I just didn't expect that it was dad who had to introduce this to them.

With that, I promised to train and help them, but it won't be the same as mine. I won't let them discover their powers on their own. I won't just let them experience everything without any explanations or clues. Each of my brothers would know the dangers, and even if they were to face it, at least they may prepare, even if it may be small.

And when they get hurt... I'll be there to comfort them. I won't let them hide and cry their pain out. I won't let them think that crying may isn't allowed in front of me. If they feel any pain, discomfort, or would want to vent out, I want to be there so they don't have to feel alone.

I hated it when I did those alone, it was always because Mom and Dad were away with missions too, and I don't blame them. It's just that others may think that I'm just being whiny or weak when I do so. Hiding the pain helps, and it doesn't ruin my parents' reputations, or maybe lessen what they think about me.

I still carry that mantra of mine, not to cry in front of them so I wouldn't lower their morale or think less of me.

It's fine that my brothers won't experience what I did before.

I would record again if I want to vent out on something. I don't want to cause a burden towards others just because I wanted to cool down for a bit. I have to go, Halilintar and Blaze are already excited to try their powers.

It's funny how Halilintar is trying to remain passive, but I could see the excitement in his eyes. Hahaha, it's really cute.

Oh, now the others seemed to have wanted to join in as well. I did say that I would also help them discover their powers too. But I already know, I was responsible for this... in a sense.

I'll just guide them to find how they'll activate their powers. Just one step at a time.

Journal Log 1, ends.


A/N: A new feature for this fic are the journal logs, where Boboiboy records himself as he vents out, or tells stories of his past

Strength to Protect (A BBB AU Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang