Chapter 6

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A/N: Warning, violence and language. Ratings may change, but still allowed for teens.


Three years have passed since Boboiboy decided to live in Pulau Rintis together with his siblings, his grandfather, and fellow friend, Ochobot. By now, he's 18 years old. A lot has happened during those years. Especially now, as he sits by the living room, reading some of his academic books. Tok Aba found someone to help him with general studies. As long as Boboiboy had a college degree, it was okay for the old man to get a tutor for him with a degree of general studies.

It took some time for Tok Aba and Ochobot to convince him to try and finish his education. When they reached an agreement, his grandfather found someone who could help the teen, while also taking care of his brothers.

His tutor didn't need to know some of their past. But all Tok Aba told him was that Boboiboy decided to do homeschooling because of how young his siblings were. When the teacher asked for parents, Tok Aba gave the word of their mother being dead and their father working very hard to support their family. It was a half truth statement, but it managed to convince his homeschool college professor.

So he had some worksheets to handle, and a day or two of general meetings for discussions. That's about it. Yet he did his best for this curriculum as he didn't want to waste any of Tok Aba's efforts.

One time, Boboiboy asked how his grandfather managed to afford this since the teen knew how expensive homeschooling is. All Tok Aba said was that the extra money came from Amato.

The teen didn't remember his grandfather asking. All that happened was that Amato sent money.

Now he felt heavier, knowing that his father might have scrapped something just so Boboiboy could finish his education as early as possible.

He chose to ignore and just be thankful.  He was finished with his work when he received a fateful call from his old time partner, Kaizo.

At first, he thought that it's just him seeing how Boboiboy is. Considering that Kaizo one time broke the news that he too had a brother. Boboiboy remembered that a year after he finally settled in with his grandfather and siblings, he called to also tell that his brother was born on April 13, three months before his siblings were born. Kaizo just didn't know how to tell him, and didn't get to visit his brother much since they were on a mission back then.

Boboiboy has seen pictures of Fang, and he does admit that the baby is cute. Though it won't compare to his seven siblings, especially Duri. At just the age of 3, Boboiboy thought that he looked like a cat due to his baby eyes. It was a weakness of his, mostly when Duri was begging for extra desserts.

Back to the topic aside, he greeted Kaizo warmly on his power watch, expecting the same frown from that duck haired snob. Even if he knows that it's just his exterior for acting though.

However, he saw his friend all bandaged up and frustrated. Boboiboy immediately knew  that this was not good.

"Kaizo," He called him, "Are you alright? How about everyone? Aunty and uncle? Fang?"

"Everyone is fine, even me... thanks for asking." Kaizo replied, "I know that you've resigned from TAPOPS, but it's also within our best interest if we tell you this."

Boboiboy slightly paled, "Is... that why you're injured right now? There's trouble?"

Kaizo nods, gritting his teeth, "Bora Ra. You remember him right?"

The teen frowned as he remembered that alien, "Yeah, I remember him. I've always seen his reports as a power sphere hunter. He's hard to catch."

"Well, he attacked us. Most importantly my brother. " He hissed at the last part, "He was trying to get ahold of the power sphere hidden in our planet. He almost succeeded, especially when he took Fang as hostage."

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