Chapter 16

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A/N: Advance I'm sorry for what's going on in this chapter QwQ


If there is one thing that Solar doesn't want to admit, is that he is the youngest of the seven. He doesn't even have a problem with it when it comes to his siblings, especially his big brother. He treats the seven of them equal, and would only give favors if the situation calls for it. Like when Solar got sick, it was nice that his Abang was able to take care of him, even if he got scolded by Tok Aba for not wearing a mask.

Solar was the smartest, he knew that. He picked up a lot of things even if they were still in grade school. The teachers wanted him to move up a year or two, but he couldn't say anything since the teachers didn't even give him room to voice out. But when his big brother came and discussed the matter, he saw brown orbs looking at him, asking for Solar's opinion.

The teachers claimed that he was a child and don't know any better. But his Abang asked what he wanted, and he would support his decision.

Solar is a six-year-old child, and when he knows a lot, his classmates tend to believe in him without any second thought. No one tried to doubt him because he was right. It was only his friends, brothers, his Tok, and Ochobot that seem to wonder if young Solar was okay. He was still a child yet most of the teachers wanted him to move up, and it didn't help how he eavesdropped and heard that it was merely for reputation.

So, the moment his big brother asked him, Solar declined. He didn't want to advance a grade level. He wanted to stay with his brothers, even if it means rivaling with Ying and Yaya, along with his brother Gempa.

The downside of it was the look that they give when they found out he was the youngest, and wondered why it wasn't Duri. Some words were nice from their classmates, but there were those that kind of belittled his green clad brother. What's funny is that they were pretending to be smart so they could try to pick on Duri. He heard someone calling him stupid and Solar didn't waste any second to call his nearest sibling and face them.

They backed off when it was Halilintar that he dragged. Solar slightly hated his guts, but he still loves his brother no matter what.

Among the seven, Solar knew that he was smarter. But he couldn't bring himself to call the smartest, not when his big brother was the one who started his wonder to what surrounds him. When his Abang would show his powers, especially light, it sparkled his interest. Even if Solar seemed curious to a complicated book, his big brother wouldn't even pry it away, and would help explain things to little Solar.

To each, Solar would always hear from his big brother on how strong they are on different aspects. He likes how the words tell that everyone has different strengths, and there is no need to belittle any of it. Those words were kind, and he was inspired to continue being smart, ignoring any expectations from his teachers and classmates. He wants to be smart to make his big brother proud, and he knew that his six siblings support him.

Yet, there is one thing that any youngest sibling would ever have, it was the fear of the dark. It wasn't because of monsters, ghosts, or creepy things that they would watch on cartoons, but because it made Solar think of how vulnerable he will be, because he wouldn't know what to do. When it was very dark downstairs, Solar didn't know where to go. He once crawled to try and find his big brother's room and he cried in relief when he did so. He felt scared because he was lost, and didn't know where to go or what to do.

Solar felt happy when his family understood his fears, Duri and Taufan comforted him. Blaze playfully teased him but promised to protect their supposed baby brother. It was embarrassing, but it made the youngest septuplet happy.

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