Chapter 4

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A/N: I don't know much about Malaysian customs when it involves death, funerals, and how they grieve. I'm trying to read some customs, but I'm not sure if I'll get it right though. I'm not going to mention some of them here since I'm afraid of making mistakes. But if someone could teach me how, maybe I could put it in some chapters.

I'm also aware of some cultures especially, marriages. But, I'm going to experiment on something...

Sorry QwQ

Also, this chapter is more of a background towards Maya, and yeah, their heritage, maybe?



The teen almost flinched when he saw his yellow friend entering their room, looking with glee.

"Shh! I just tucked them in!" The teen hissed as he eyed the septuplets. Boboiboy sighs in relief to see them not disturbed.

"Oh... sorry." Ochobot softly chuckled.

Before Boboiboy could ask, he opened the baby monitor and led Ochobot, and himself out of the room. They eyed the babies one last time, before the teen gently closes the door.

"Alright, what causes you to suddenly look happy?"

Ochobot chuckled, "Well, Tok Aba would want to talk to us downstairs regarding the septuplets' birthday."

Boboiboy's eyes widen for a bit, he knew that it's almost there, a matter of two days. However, the teen couldn't even forget that it was also their mother's death anniversary as well.

'No, no, stop thinking about this...' Boboiboy shakes his head to snap those thoughts.

However, Ochobot seemed to notice this and said, "We're aware that it's almost Mama Maya's Death Anniversary, Boboiboy.

"I don't want to look that glum, Ocho." He assures the power sphere, "It's their first birthday, I'm sure mom would want them to be happy."

"It's too bad we couldn't take them to visit her." Ochobot softly uttered as he led the teen downstairs.

His brown eyes dart toward his friend, "Maybe one day, when they're old enough. I'll take you, Tok Aba, and the septuplets to see her."

"And just what were you talking about?"

They look forward to see Tok Aba standing a few feet away from them. He smiled when he sees his grandson looking well and not that haggard, 'It must have been a soft night for him.'

"It's just about mom, Tok." The teen replied, "I told Ochobot that we'll go together one day."

The old man noticed the sudden change of the teen's mood. He didn't even wait for them to walk forward, as he did so, putting a hand towards Boboiboy's shoulder.

"Come, I've prepared a hot beverage for the three of us."

The three of them bot sat/float at their respective spot on the sofa, with Tok Aba giving them drinks of their own. Ochobot just merely activated a straw compartment in his body and started sipping the contents.

Boboiboy also took a sip and smiled at the taste. It was all so familiar, back when he too was a toddler. The same patches of green grass, the smell of trees and brewed drinks, the sound of laughter, the sound of family together.

"I always love how you make these, Tok. It just reminds me so much of those times."

"Of course. I ain't the best barista of Pulau Rintis for nothing." Tok Aba huffed with pride, "And I remember you, always asking for this when you were a toddler."

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