Chapter 9

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A/N: School works are a drag.... QwQ


"Abang! Solar is taking my stuff again!"

"That pencil is mine, Hali! Stop assuming that it's yours!"

Boboiboy nervously chuckled at the sight of his eldest and younger septuplet, fighting over a pencil. He wanted to try and intervene, but he was helping Blaze, Duri, and Taufan with their homework. Being six-year-old kids, they soon learned how to read and write. Among the seven, Solar proved to have learned the lessons quickly. Their teacher once asked if Boboiboy would like for Solar to skip a grade, but the teen declined.

Because, even if he sees the two fighting, he knows that Solar doesn't want to separate from his siblings.

"Abang," He looked down to see Duri poking his cheek, "I don't know how this is?"

Duri had some problems with Math, and it just didn't help that he was lagging a bit from their lessons. Yet, Boboiboy has patience to help his baby brother pass, along with the other two misfits.

"Why is math so hard, Aaabaaaaaaangggg!" Taufan and Blaze whined in unison.

The teen chuckled as he checks their work, "I see that you three copied each other's answers. Well, good thing is you got most of it right. The hard ones, you got the subtraction there wrong."

Duri pouts, "I'm not as good as Solar..."

"Hey now," Boboiboy stops him while patting the green clad child's head, "Just because the three of you got it wrong, doesn't mean you did a bad job. You three did copy, but I noticed you all discussing what to do."

"Taufan got it first, so we also asked for help." Blaze pointed out.

"Oh, I did see, and you two gave some insights about it." The teen grins as he ruffles their hair, "It just proves that the three of you are improving. I'm proud."

The three blushed and grinned at the compliment. Though it was Duri who seemed prouder by it.

"Thank you, Abang!" Duri giggles, his smile was shining that it almost made Boboiboy cover his eyes.

'Why do I suddenly see flowers beside him?'


The teen suddenly looked at the sudden shrill, and he sees his little gem standing in the middle. Yet, Boboiboy noticed Halilintar and Solar holding their heads.

"Will you please don't fight!" Gempa softly hissed, "Ice is asleep and you're noisy!"

"Ice always sleeps, Gempa!" Solar retorted.

"That's because we're already done with our homework!"

"Halilintar still has my pencil!"

"Learn to share, Solar!"

"How can I study if he has my pencil!?"

"You have many!"

"It's still mine!"

Before Boboiboy could even try to intervene, he suddenly flinches when he sees Gempa pulling their ear, making the two brothers' wince in pain and stop from yammering.

He slightly blamed Tok Aba for doing that in front of his siblings... especially Gempa. Boboiboy once got in trouble since he suddenly used his wind powers and made a mess near the cocoa shop. As much as it amuses his siblings, it hurt to be at the receiving end of his grandfather's scolding and ear pulling.

Now, he slightly pities the two, but he couldn't stop Gempa, 'Atok even gave him the seal of approval... so he's literally the one keeping those two in line.'

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