Chapter 19

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A/N: I really tried my best to get this posted XD


Boboiboy was slightly frantic when he walked towards the park near the cocoa shop. Well, it was because Halilintar mentioned that their little brother, Duri, suddenly ran off somewhere. The oldest sibling didn't even waste any second and looked for the sixth septuplet, while also telling the others to remain with their grandfather.

"Duri!" He called his brother, making sure to look every nook and cranny of the park.

Boboiboy knew that Duri likes to stroll around, but it's usually when he, Ochobot, or Tok Aba was with him. He willed himself to calm down, but he couldn't help but feel scared if any of his brothers were in danger.

He almost began to run as fast as he can, but he caught a glimpse of something green near the soccer fields. Boboiboy sighs in relief to see Duri sitting, and his back faced towards him.

"Duri!" He gently exclaims, "You don't run off like that!"

This made the green clad child turn, and Boboiboy froze, 'Why is he crying?'

Boboiboy snapped from his trance and kneels down to hug him, "Don't scare us like that, Duri. I thought I told you never to leave unless we're with you."

Duri sniffs, "I-I'm sorry..."

The brunette gave a soft sigh, especially with how small and scared Duri's voice resonated. He gently pats the top of his brother's green hat, "Just don't wander off, it's not okay for you to be alone."

His hands rummaged from his pocket and grabbed a handkerchief, gently wiping the tears from Duri's face, "Are you okay, Little Leaf? Why are you crying?"

Boboiboy didn't got the chance to get an answer as his brown eyes dart behind his little brother, "Oh..."

Turns out behind the boy was a flower that seemed to have wilted, with brown leaves surrounding the now withered plant.

The brunette noticed the after the scenario, there was one who was not with them as they got inside the house. Boboiboy walked out towards the backyard and saw Duri looking at the scorch marks Halilintar and Blaze made. The green clad child's back was facing towards him, so Boboiboy couldn't make out what Duri's face was.

However, he could see the child's fist trembling as he takes a look at the brown grass in front of them. It didn't take that long for Boboiboy to realize that Duri must have been thinking about what he said before.

"Duri..." He whispered and gently kneels down his height, "Don't worry, we'll fix the garden up, okay?"

It was worrying when Duri didn't answer, but he hugged his little brother to show that he was still with him. The silence was eerie for Boboiboy's ears as Duri was very vocal with his thoughts.

He did fix the garden, but even if Duri didn't help, he kept on going. It was something to make his brothers comfortable.

Boboiboy didn't say anything and just wrapped his arms towards his brother's little frame.

"I got you..."

"I want to get a flower... for you..." Duri whispered, "But... I see this and I cried... it reminds me of..."

"Shh... it's okay. I understand." Boboiboy gently replies, "It's okay, how about we get back with our brothers."

Duri didn't answer, but nodded at the suggestion, "C-Can you carry me?"

A chuckle, "Of course."

With a light grunt, Boboiboy lifted Duri onto his arms and they carry on walking back. It was a silent trip and his little brother's face was turned away from him. Boboiboy didn't want to pry or make his brother uncomfortable, but he gave pats for some assurance.

Strength to Protect (A BBB AU Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ