Chapter 3

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Boboiboy couldn't believe that it's almost the septuplets' 1st birthday. For months that he stayed in TAPOPS, he hoped and wondered for their first birthday. Yet, as much as he wanted to imagine a perfect scenario, Boboiboy couldn't. Not when they suffered an aftermath with the lost of their respected Commander and Mother.

His birthday already passed, and he was officially 15 years old. As much as Tok Aba and Ochobot celebrated with him, along with his siblings, the teen just didn't feel spirited about it. For most of the time, he just spent it with his brothers. Even went out to the cocoa shop. Boboiboy helped while also looked out for his siblings, who were at their strollers.

It did cause a scene when he placed a mat at the patch of grass. The onlookers gave a coo at his siblings and they, mostly Solar and Halilintar, enjoyed the attention. Though, Duri won most of the hearts of the masses than the two of them combined.

Regardless, just being with them was enough for him. Heck, he never does celebrate that much when he started being trained to TAPOPS at the age of 10, five years after he met Ochobot, and was given powers due to some unfortunate circumstances. Along there, he became partners with another newly recruited child, Kaizo.

Boboiboy knew that being the son of two heroes of the galaxy, your target at the back is big. He was raised in outer space, trained to become a cadet of TAPOPS. Yet he also made that decision when he first got Ochobot. He only visited Tok Aba a few times before, and it was because they were still trying to train his powers to a degree of mastery.

And he still feels proud to have mastered the second tier before he hit 11.

He could remember how his mother had sad eyes. She didn't know, but Boboiboy remembered how she talked to Amato about this, and regretted getting their son involved in their line of work.

They couldn't ask Boboiboy to back down, not when he was already involved too much of it, and they couldn't as well, not when Ochobot trusts him the most before.

Boboiboy may be a teen, but he still remembers his thrills when he was a superhero. Yet the more he grew to witness many things in the field, the more he grew to realize the weight of the title.

It just didn't help that, July 7, the day his siblings were born, was the day they lost their mother.

After that, he promised to at least give his siblings a childhood here on Earth, away from the chaos. Especially when his powers decreased significantly after those events.

However, it didn't matter to him, as long as he gives a safe haven for his brothers.

'I should consider getting them a baby walker.' Boboiboy thought as they watch his siblings sleep, 'It's kinda hard assisting them in walking by themselves. Though, Gempa likes to prove that he could handle himself. Then there's Blaze who is eager to walk on his own.'

Boboiboy remembered how it was Gempa and Blaze's turn to learn walking. He made an effort in assisting the two, while Ochobot and Tok Aba were standing not far from the other side. Halfway, Blaze and Gempa both fussed on wanting their big brother to let go.

It didn't end well since Blaze tumbled when he rushed towards Tok Aba. Then, there's Gempa, who tried to walk on his own, then to fall flat on his butt.

They cried, but cooed when he and Tok Aba comforted the two.

Boboiboy gave a smile when Ice tried to walk. He never let go of his hand, and throughout the walk, not once did the cyan clad baby even try to let go. However, the teen couldn't even say no. Not when he sees Ice's eyes sparkling when he walked towards the other end.

Duri liked to try walking when it was Boboiboy who was at the other side. Ochobot or Tok Aba was assisting the green clad baby, and was giggling at the sight of his big brother at the other side.

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