Chapter 21

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A/N: Warning! Violence, language, choking, blood, yeah... this chapter might be very uncomfortable


Boboiboy ignored the frantic beep of his watch and spent more time heading toward the coordinates the alien gave. On the way, he was able to spot a worn-out bag and used some of the earth below to mold a somewhat replica of a power sphere.

He almost broke the earth sphere from his anger but managed to hold out the frustration all for the sake of his brother.

Solar... he is scared for him. Boboiboy knows the toll it took when he activated the last element. The brunette never wanted that to happen for his little brother.

"I don't want to make you worry. But you're right. When I finally emerged, everything hurt, you got hurt."

And if things go haywire, Boboiboy already has a hunch that Solar's powers will awaken.

'They have him...'  His fist clenched at the thought, and he couldn't think about it further, 'If I don't hurry, then something might happen to Solar!'

He took another leap, mustering every little inch of his wind powers just to move as swiftly as possible. There was no time to waste, it's all for Solar... his little brother...

Yet, he suddenly stopped when he realized what Kaizo said, and his brown eyes widened from realization.

"They're after you."

The brunette didn't even realize that he froze from his tracks. They're after him, but if the intel came from his father, then it has to be more than revenge towards him. Mercenaries such as them wanted more, and they could be hired by someone.

'It may not just be Ochobot... nor me... there's something more...'

"You have got to stop, Boboiboy." Dark suddenly spoke in his mind, "Any more aggression and you won't be able to save Solar."

'Wrong timing!' Boboiboy suddenly clicks his tongue, knowing fully well that it's another of his other self's ted talks.

"It's normal for me to feel this way, Dark," Boboiboy replies as he takes a quick leap toward a tree, scouting the area.

"Boboiboy, you're not thinking straight right now!" His other self hissed, "You're blindly going to that ship without any plan! They might even notice that the power sphere you have is a fake!"

The brunette glares at the ground at the thought of it, "Well I can't let them have Solar for any more second!"

"Are you even listening to yourself? I'm not stupid!"

"Well, I appreciate it if you keep quiet, I'm trying to think of something!"

"You heard what Kaizo said, they're dangerous mercenaries. If you go forward, Solar may not be the only casualty!"

"Will you be quiet!?" Boboiboy hissed as an impending headache is coming towards him, 'I have to get there as soon as possible!"

"Boboiboy...!" Dark's voice suddenly rose and decided to take action.

All of a sudden, he couldn't see the outside anymore, and the sight in front of him was black with mist present from below.

Boboiboy soon realized that he was in his dark elemental's consciousness. His brown eyes soon dart by his right side and saw his only elemental counterpart.

"You pulled me here." Boboiboy clicked his tongue, "I don't have time for your therapy talks, Dark."

"I had to, you idiot." Dark replied, "Your emotions are running amuck right now, and you're hellbent on finding answers."

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