Day of fun!

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Sorry it took so long to update. I hate writers block :( plus I have school which sucks!!!


I decided that today I'm going to cheer Percy up by having a day of fun! Yes, this is going to be fun!

I walked up to Percy to where he's just finishing he's chores. Perfect.

"Kelp head!" I shouted.

He jumped, turned towards me and gave me a small smile.

"Ready for a day of fun?!" I said happily.
He cocked his head to the side questionably.

"You'll see. Come on!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards Artemis' tent. I knocked, then went in when I heard her spoke.

"Hello Thalia. Perseus. What do you want?" She asked.

"Well I have something extra special planned for Percy but I need your permission if we are to do it."

She smiled. "What is it you want to do then?" I smiled and whispered it in her ear. Her smile grew wider. "I think that's perfect. Be careful, I'll get Hermes to give you the supplies and I'll flash you there."

"Thank you lady Artemis" Then she flashed us to our location.


Okay. This is getting confusing. First she drags me off to have some fun, then she brings me to one of the many places I didn't want to be. Camp Half Blood.

I turned to her. "Why are we here?"

She smiled evilly. "Because, we are going to do some serious pranking."

I smiled. "Then what are we waiting for"

We got some invisibility caps, then went off to prank the campers.


B the time we were done, the Aphrodite cabin was black. We replaced all their clothes with homeless, ripped up clothes that you would find in a gutter. Their conditioner was bright purple hair dye, and all their makeup and jewelry were in the Ares cabin.

The Ares cabin was bright pink, we replaced all their weapons with plastic and foam ones, and we made the Ares children look like modals, with makeup, jewelry ect.

Next we moved to the Athena cabin. *smiles evilly* We covered the cabin in spider webs and took their books and hid them on the roof and we put fake/real spiders everywhere in the cabin.

(I would say all the cabins but I don't wanna :))

This is gonna be fun.

~TimeSkip till morning~

Everyone woke up by a loud scream, coming from, well everywhere. They were all running around like headless cockroaches, trying to find their stuff and blaming the Stolls. It was quite entertaining.

And in that moment I almost forgot all the terrible things that have happened to me, and I was just having fun.


I'm so so so so so so so so so so sorry, writer block is the worst and I feel so guilty for not updating sooner, so this is more of a fillers chapter because really I couldn't think of anything else.

Again I'm sorry.

Till next time dearies. :)

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