Grief and relief

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Yay I've done 3 chapters! Whoooo!!
But I'm sad that no one has liked my book yet 😟😢 But oh well, I just hope you like it. :)

Anyway Enjoy!

~Artemis P.O.V

I was shocked at all these fast turning of events. First Hermes disappears, then returns with his son who was supposed to be dead, and the bloody body of Percy who was supposed to be in Tartarus. Then Luke told us what happened, Dionysus read Percy's mind and memories, he showed us, we saw what they did to him, and now Luke is dead. I was so angry with him when I saw what he did to Percy, that he was lucky that he was dead. But I also wondered why was he here if he was a traitor. Maybe he was innocent. But Percy's memories, and what Luke did now made no sense. They didn't fit together.

I shrugged it off and payed attention to Percy. He looked horrible. He has a long scar going form his forehead to his collar bone. He has numerous scars and cuts covering his body, and he is covered in blood. His hair was all over the place like usual, but he had a little streak of grey and white on the side. His breathing was uneven and shallow. It broke my heart to see him like this. He is probably the only good man of earth.

Suddenly a small groan escaped Percy's lips. Everyone's attention snapped to Percy. Poseidon sat at Percy's side and held his hand.

"Luke?" He said quietly. His voice was quite, and it sounded like he hasn't drunken anything in a long time.

"No. No son, it's me Poseidon. Can open your eyes please" He said gripping his hand.

"Where's Luke?" He asked, while opening his eyes, but then quickly shouting them again. "Apollo stop smiling, it's too bright in here." We chuckled at that while someone went to turn off the lights. When he opened his eyes, everyone gasped. His eyes have lost their usual spark of happiness, replaced with a dull and broken look. "Where's Luke?" He asked again.

Apollo spoke, "We'll explain that later, but right now, I need to take you to my palace for the proper equipment." He said just as Percy nodded and passed out. Apollo flashed out with Percy, with Poseidon close behind them.

~Poseidon P.O.V

I sat next to my son's body, worried that he wouldn't wake up. I felt so guilty about how we believed that daughter of Athena over my son. We actually sent him to Tartarus. What were we thinking! I really hope he'll forgive me after what I did to him.
The longer it took for Apollo to work on Percy, the less hope I had that he would wake. Or maybe live. At that thought, I started to mentally panic. What if he died?! He would never know that I was sorry!

Someone suddenly put a hand on my shoulder and I jumped slightly. I looked up to see Apollo smiling reassuringly at me. "He'll be fine. I healed most of his wounds, but there were some that were too deep and there's gong to be a lot of nasty scars left behind. If he doesn't wake in the next 2 hours, he will most likely fall into a coma. But we're just lucky we got to him in time. If he didn't get medical attention at all, he could've died." He added sadly.

I gave him a small smile and nodded my thanks to him. He nodded and left the room.

After 2 hours of waiting, I was starting to get worried. After another half an hour, I was having a full on panic attack. He wouldn't wake up, and at this moment Apollo was trying to get me to calm down. But it didn't really make me feel any better. I was losing nearly all that was left of my hope.

Then a small groan pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked to where the notice came from, then I realized it was from Percy waking up. My hope soared and I grabbed Percy's hand, while Apollo raced to the other side of Percy.

He let out another groan, before opening his once bright, sparkling eyes, to reveal his now dull and broken eyes. The sight of it broke my heart, because I knew that I was one of the reasons that its like that now.

"Dad? Apollo?" He asked quietly.

"It's alright son. Your ok." I said.

He looked around for awhile, looking at little bit confused. "Son, are you ok? We're at Apollo palace." He didn't answer. He just kept looking around, as if trying to find something or someone.

Apollo and I watched him for a while, until Zeus flashed in, and he focused on him. Zeus looked at him worried, and spoke to Percy, "Are you ok Percy." He nodded slightly. Then nearly all the Olympians flashed in. Each of them mirrored the other of a look of worry when they saw Percy. He gave us a small smile, but he still looked troubled.

Finally he spoke, "Where's Luke?"

We all hesitated for a second. We know Percy should be happy that Luke is dead after what we did to him, but what if we were wrong?

After a long second, Zeus answered, "We looked through your memories and saw him torturing you. So we put it to a vote and nearly all of us voted for him to die. So we killed him"

Percy looked shocked, before some tears started to form in his eyes, "Who voted for him to live?" He asked, barely audible, but you can tell he was upset, which confused me.

I answered, "Just Hermes and Dionysus. Why?" Percy looked like he was trying not to cry.

"Dionysus?" He gave him a questioning look. "Can you show everyone what happened when Luke first came, and when we escaped?" He asked Dionysus.

Dionysus looked confused at Percy's request, but he seemed to realize what he meant. He shot a beam at all of us, and then we were put back into Percy's memories again.

We saw Luke come into Percy's cell. Annabeth with him. Luke then said he would like some time alone with him. Annabeth agreed and left, but no without saying some very hurtful things into Percy's ear and slashing at him with a sword first. Luke stepped towards Percy and explained everything and his plan to get Percy out. Realization and guilt settled into me as I realized that Luke wasn't a traitor. He was innocent. The scene then changed to when they escaped. Luke opened a portal, and after getting Percy free from his chains, he brought Percy through them. Then Hermes suddenly appeared, as it seems that Luke must have sent a prayer. Then the memory ended.

We all stared at Percy in guilt, worry, shock and sadness. I was the first one to break out of it, and hugged Percy tightly, "I'm so sorry Percy." I cried. "I didn't realize, please, please forgive me." I begged, as a couple tears fell down my face.

He looked like he wanted to cry himself, but instead he hugged me back, "It's ok dad. I forgive you." He looked at all the other gods, "I forgive all of you." I looked at him in shock. As did the other gods.

"You forgive us?" Zeus asked incredulously. He nodded his head, but didn't say anything.

"Ok, everyone should clear out now. Percy needs rest." Said Apollo.

Zeus nodded and flashed out, as did the other gods, until it was just me, Apollo and Artemis.

Apollo said, "Uncle, Percy needs rest now. You can see him tomorrow." I sighed and nodded my head. I gave Percy one last hug before flashing out as well.

~3rd P.O.V

Apollo told Percy to get some rest, while he spoke to Artemis.

"What's up lil' sis." Apollo said.

Artemis glared at his brother, but sighed, Is Percy going to be alright brother?" She asked worriedly.

Apollo nodded. "He should be fine after rest, a good sleep and some food and water. After that we just need to get his spirit back." He ended sadly.

Artemis sighed and nodded. She left the room she was in with Apollo and was walking out of the palace when she heard something. She went towards where the sound was coming from and realized it was coming from Percy. She slowly walked up to his bedside where Percy was crying, his head between his knees.

"Percy? Are you okay?" She asked softly. He didn't respond. Instead he cried harder.

She sat on the side of his bed and wrapped him in a hug. He didn't seem to register it. But I kept hugging him as he cried until he fell asleep in my arms. I laid him down and stood up. I suddenly had the urge to kiss his forehead or stroke his face. I pushed it aside and shook my head and left Apollos palace.

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