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Hi I'm back!! I hope everyone had fun at Christmas and a Happy New Year! I know I did!




When I woke up, I noticed it was sunrise and that no one else was up yet. I decided to get up and go for a walk, then make breakfast. I got up, had a shower and went outside.

I decided to make breakfast first, then go for a walk. I went to the table where we eat and clicked my fingers. On the table appeared sandwiches, fruit, orange juice etc. I then walked around the camp for a bit, before settling down by the lake, next to a tree. I leaned against the tree and stared out into the water, trying to forget my life. Trying to forget all, the horrible things that have happened to me. Trying to remember the good times I've had in life. But every time I remember something good, it always reminds me of the bad. Like when I think of my mother, I remember her lying in front of me, being killed right in front of my eyes along with Paul, while I'm helpless to do anything. And when I try ti remember any else, it just reminds me of that traitor Annabeth. Nearly all the good times I've had in life, is either with my mum and stepdad, or with Annabeth or my friends. But sadly I can barely find any memories with my friends in it without Annabeth being there, and that just brings in the bad ones.

I didn't realize someone was behind me, until I felt someone touch my shoulder. I slowly turned around to fund Artemis standing there. "Perseus, we are having breakfast now, and I assume that you are the one that made it right?" I nodded. "Will you be joining us?" I was about to deny until I saw Artemis' pleading eyes. I sighed and nodded. She smiled and walked away.

I sighed again then got up a few minutes later, and walked over to get breakfast. Once I reached where everyone was eating breakfast, nearly all the hunters glared at me. I didn't sit with them, I sat underneath a tree, a little away from them without getting any food because I wasn't that hungry. All those years without eating seems to have dispersed my hunger.

Artemis came over to me and gave me some food. "Here Perseus, you should eat."

I shook my head. "I'm not hungry" I whispered. She frowned but made her way back to the table.

I sat there and spaced out for a few minutes, thinking about what happened in Tartarus, while trying trying to hold back tears.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard someone say my name, and everyone staring at me. "W-what?" I mumbled.

"I said that you were the one that cooked breakfast, right?" Answered Artemis. I nodded my head.

Thalia looked at me in shock. "Since when did you know how to cook kelp head?!"

Artemis answered again, "He is the champion of Hestia"

Again more looks of shock were sent my way, while some of the younger hunters came up to me and shyly said thank you.

I nodded my head with a small smile, then I stood up and walked back towards where I was sitting at the lake before.

Before I got there someone put a hand on my shoulder, and I winced involuntarily.

I turned around to see Artemis. "Perseus, are you ok?" She asked. I nodded. "I just wanted to let you know that if any things bothering you, you can come and talk to me about it. Ok?" She said softly.

I nodded again. She sighed softly before walking away. I continued my to the lake when Thalia then intercepted me. "Kelp head, why didn't you tell me you were the Champion of Hestia?"

"I just got here yesterday, and we haven't had that much time to talk since I got here." I said quietly.

She frowned. "And why are you talking so quietly?" I shrugged. She glared at me, "Percy, I swear if you don't tell me now, you will soon find a arrow lodged in you shoulder." She threatened.

I suddenly had some flashes of memories from when I was in Tartarus, but quickly punished it away before it overwhelmed me.

"I just can't get Annabeth's betrayal out of my head." I whispered sadly.

Her features immediately soften, then she stepped forward and hugged me. "I'm sorry Percy."

I pulled back and said, "you have nothing to be sorry about." I smiled softly.

She smiled back. "Whatever, if gotta go. See ya." She said leaving. I said goodbye, then sat down by the lake. As I leaned against a tree and stared at the lake, I thought about my time in Tartarus. I remembered all those things that Annabeth said to me. How I was a freak. That no one ever loved me. That she never loved me. That I'm stupid enough to believe the millions of lies she told me. That it's also my fault that my friends died. That I didn't try hard enough. That all I do is get people get killed. I remembered how Luke helped me heal my injuries after the titans and Annabeth left. He never knew what Annabeth told me. He knew some things, but not everything. So really I had no one to comfort me. It was just a hole of sorrows, pain and darkness. And now Luke is dead. which makes it even worse. I felt some tears left my eyes as I thought this over. I quickly whipped them away. I heard the horn for lunch, so I got up and made my way there.

Once everyone was seated, I snapped my fingers and loads of food appeared on the table. Straight away everyone was eating their food. I grabbed a plate with a small amount of food on it, and walked my way to my tree. I sat down and stared at my food. I wasn't hungry. I just got some food to avoid more questions being asked about why I'm not eating.

Again, those thoughts from earlier came to my mind. Annabeth never loved me. Was there something wrong with me? Is there something I did to make her like this? Is it true that all I do is get people killed?

Quickly, lunch was over and some of the younger hunters can ever and said thank you, while some of the older hunters reluctantly said thank you as well.

The rest of the day passed by pretty fast. I kept on thinking about what Annabeth told me. How I just kill people. Is it true? By the time it was dinner, I was already in my tent, thinking about it. The more I think I about, the more true it sounds. I had known Zoe for only a little while before I got her killed. I was on a mission with Beckendorf before I left him to die on the exploding ship. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I fell asleep with this going through my head.
Over and over again.

Percy Jackson: ScarredWhere stories live. Discover now