Explaining to Thalia

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Hello, I am back.

I have nothing to say, so on to the story!


It's been a week since Percy has been with me and the Hunters. He still barely talks. Which worries me. And he's been getting very skinny. When was the last time he ate? I'll have to ask him at lunch today.

~Time skip to lunch~

As usual Percy sat at a tree. Sometimes the younger hunters convince to sit next to them, but most of the time he's sitting at the tree, away from anyone else.

When everyone started eating, I walked up to Percy and gave him a plate of food. "Percy eat." I commanded.

He shook his head. I frowned. "When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

He sat there thinking for a moment, until he just shrugged. I became mad. "Percy. Eat. Now." I demanded.

He hesitated for a moment until he looked up at me. Then he grabbed a bit a of food from the plate, and nibbled a bit of the side. I stood there until he finished about half of his food. By then everyone already finished and were doing there own thing. I sighed. "Can't you eat anymore?"

He shook his head. "If I do I think I'll throw up" he said quietly. I frowned but dismissed him.

I decided to go to Thalia to tell her where Percy was. Maybe then she could help him. At least a bit. He needs all the he can get right now. And what he needs right now is a friend.

"Thalia?" I said when I approached her. She stopped what she was doing and looked at me. "Yes Lady Artemis?"

"I think it would be good if I tell you where Perseus was all this time. Then I think you should comfort him. He really needs a friend right now."

She looked at me curiously and excitedly at the prospect at finally getting to where he was. She followed me to my tent and we sat down as she waited for me to start.

I took a deep breath then started to speak. "When we were having a meeting, a portal suddenly appeared and out stepped a man with a frail body in his arms. It turned out that the person in the mans arms was Percy. He was bloody, skinny, with cuts covering his body. All in all, it was a horrifying sight." I paused slightly. "And the person who was holding him turned out to be Luke Catasellan."

"What! He's alive?! Where is he?! How is he alive?!"

"Well... Um... This is hard to explain, and I am so so sorry Thalia. But at first most of us were happy to see him. Then Dionysus searched Percy's memories, then showed some to us as well. But before he showed them to us, he actually curled up in a ball and started to cry. Saying over and over that he's sorry. And I can't blame him. It was horrifying." I shuddered at the memories.

"Why? It can't be that bad?"

"What we saw was Annabeth, Hyperion, Kronos and.. Luke torturing him."

She looked shocked. "What! No, no, no, Luke and Annabeth would never do that. I mean I know she is on the other side now and kidnapped Percy, but she wouldn't stick as low to torture him. And Luke, he. He. He killed Kronos in the end. Why would they do this." There were tears threatening to spilled out of her eyes and I hugged her.

After our hug I continued, "That's what we thoughts as well. That's why we put it to a vote to kill him. Everyone voted to kill him apart from Dionysus and Hermes. I'm guessing Dionysus already knew the truth. So then Zeus threw his master bolt at him, killing Luke."

She looked like she was going to cry again. "What to you mean Dionysus already knew? Knew what?"

"Let me continue.. After that Percy woke up. Apollo asked for him to open his eyes. He did. But then shut them tight again because of the lights. And you can guess he made a witty comment. Which goes along the lines of 'Apollo, stop smiling it's too bright in here'" she smiled. "He then asked where Luke was, but Apollo brought him back to his palace, with Poseidon behind him. Once Percy was healed and awake again. Most of us flashed to him. Again he asked where Luke was, which was confusing. Finally Zeus told him that we saw him torturing him, that we put we it to a vote and that most of us voted for his death. Once that was said, Percy looked sadder than he did before, but he managed to ask who voted for innocence. We said them, and Percy then asked Dionysus to show us when Luke first came to Percy and when they escaped. He did and it showed him explaining to Percy how he's only here to help him escape, and that he might have to torture him at times, while figures out a escape plan. Then it showed their escape when Luke sneaked passed the guards, got Percy, created a portal and escaped. So Luke really was innocent." I said sadly.

Thalia looked shocked. She took a moment to process it all then gestured for me to continue.

"When Percy was awake the next day, he came to the thrown room with Apollo where we were waiting. And he forgave us for all we've done. Then most of us blessed him."

"What?! You blessed him?! Wait, wait. Who blessed him?" She asked.

"Me, Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Demeter (a/n sorry I forgot all about Demeter :( let's just say that she also blessed him with the power of controlling the atmosphere and plants.), Hermes, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Hephaestus and he's also Hestia's Champion."

She gasped. "Oh kelp head has some serious talking to do."

I chuckled. "Yes, but for now I think you should just comfort him. He hasn't been eating and, as you already know, he barely talks. Go talk to him."

She nodded. "Yes Lady Artemis." Then she left. I sighed. It's going to take a while for him to get better.


Hey, I hoped you like that chapter.

Ok, so I need opinions.

1. Should I bring Luke back? Yes or no?

2. Who should Percy end up with? I was thinking Pertemis.

3. Message me with how you want the story to go. I have a few ideas, but I want your opinions. Remember don't comment. Message.

Ok that's it for now!

Again hoped you like that chapter and have a good day!

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