What am i going to do?

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I still can't believe all that kelp head has been through. I mean, how is he still sane after five years of torture?

When I get to where Percy usually is, I find him staring out at the lake. I sit down next to him. He has a look of deep sadness in his eyes. It made me want to curl up in a ball and cry right there.

"Percy." I said softly.

"Hey Thalia". He said without looking at me.

"You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He answered.

"No your not. Come talk to me kelp head. You are not fine. And you need to stop saying that. If you keep bottling up your emotions, it's not going to turn out good for anyone." I said frustrated.

"Look, I'm fine." He took a breath. "I'm going to do my chores now. See ya." He got up and left.

I sighed. "Oh, what am I going to with you kelp head." I mumbled. I sighed again. I'll talk to him later when he's not busy.

I got up and walked over to the archery range practice.

~Time skip~


What am I going to do? It's been a couple of months since I first got here, and Thalia and Artemis won't stop bugging me. Well, mostly Thalia. That girl won't take 'I'm fine' as an answer.

I sighed. I'm doing my chores for the day again. Which is pretty much nearly all the chores for everyone here. Plus apparently, I'm the number one victim for pranks. Like seriously, they will not stop at nothing to make my life even more miserable than it already is.

~Time skip~

Just as I finish my chores, I hear a scream from one of the hunters coming from the other side of camp. I immediately grab Riptide to see what happened. When I take in the scene in front of me, I got mad. Stupid monsters, I thought.

I front of me is a small army of monsters attacking the hunters and has one of the younger members captured. I instantly attacked, and in about 10 minuets the monsters are all dead and I go and see if the hunter who was captured is ok. I treat her wounds then once I made sure everything was ok, I went back to my tent.


Ok hi! Hoped you liked the chapter. Sorry it took so long, I just didn't know what else to write.

So I think it is clear that I'm somehow 'magically' bring Luke back to life... Maybe. *smiles evilly*

I'm also still wondering who Percy should be with. Maybe not Artemis now, but one of you did mention as more of her as a motherly figure, so I might do that. I'm not sure if he should be a loner and if he's not a loner, I still don't know who he's going to be with. Please help!

And finally, people if you could pleaseeeee give me some ideas as to where this story should go I would really appreciate it.

That's all for now

Enjoy your day! :)

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