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Hi again! Sorry I haven't been updating lately, I just haven't had that much inspiration to keep writing. But I hope you will still keep reading, because I'm now tying to update faster.



When we arrived at Olympus, everyone was already there, and Apollo sat down on his throne.

I painfully bowed, then sat at the feet of my fathers throne.

"Perseus, we are so sorry that we killed Luke. And we are also sorry to think that you did all those thing, when it was really that Athena spawn." I tensed up. Zeus never apologizes for things that he's done. Especially to me. Ever hone looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to say something.

"I-it's ok. I know that you all mean well. You were all just worried." Everyone looked at me in shock.

My father spoke up. "B-but, we did all these things to you. After all we've done, your still forgive us?" I nodded my head.

Hestia smiled. "I'm glad that you've forgiven us Perseus. I would like to make you my champion, if you accept." Everyone gasped. No one has ever been Hestia's champion before.

I nodded and smiled. "Yes please". She then shot a beam of fire at me. It was... Comforting. It makes me forget all of my problems and relax. As quick as came it disappeared. "You can now summon fire, make home cooked meals, heal with fire and teleport through fire."

I smiled and bowed, "Thank you Lady Hestia."

"Please, just Hestia."

"I would also like to give you my blessing Perseus" Said Hades. I was shocked, but said yes anyway. He shot a dark beam at me. "Thank you, Lord Hades."

He smiled at me. "You now have all the powers that my children would get." Everyone was shock that he would do such a thing.

"Oh, oh, oh, I would also like to give you my blessing!" Aphrodite squealed. Oh no. She shot a pink beam at me and when it disappeared I felt a bit taller and all the goddesses in the room and some gods were staring at me, wide eyed and jaws open, while some other gods were looking at me jealously.

I must have looked confused because Aphrodite gave me a mirror. I was slightly taller than before, my face was more chiseled, and I was more handsome. I glared at Aphrodite. She just giggled and said, "You can now charmspeak and you are now extremely HOT!"

I blushed a little, sighed and said thanks anyway.

"My turn." Said Hephaestus. He also shot a beam at me. "You now can more control over fire, can build and forge things."

I bowed and said, "Thank you Lord Hephaestus."

"My turn!" Hermes shot a beam at me and said, "You now have more stealth and can run faster."

I bowed and said thank you.

"Perseus, I would like go give you my blessing, to say sorry for what my daughter has done." Said Athena. She shot a grey beam at me, and suddenly all this knowledge came into my brain. "You now have better knowledge in battle strategy and some other general knowledge, and you can do arts and crafts better."

I bowed, "Thank Lady Athena, and it's not your fault for what your daughter has done. She chose her her own path." She smiled at me.

Poseidon said, "Son, I would like it give you my blessing." Before anyone could say anything he shot a blue beam at me, that smelled like the ocean. "You can now make bigger earthquakes and storms, you can talk to all sea creatures and horses and you can vapor travel, freeze and heat up water. And you are now the prince of the sea."

I was shocked. Me. Prince of the sea. With all those powers? Wow. "T-thank you father." Everyone eventually got over their shock, and Zeus spoke up.

"I'll now give you my blessing Perseus. If you could change into any animal what would you chose?" We all looked at Zeus in shock. Who knew that he'd give ME his blessing.

I thought about it, then I knew. "A wolf." He smiled and shot a beam at me. "Just think about a wolf, then change into one and vise versa."

I smiled and bowed, "Thank you Lord Zeus."

"My turn! My turn!" Apollo shot a golden beam at me, then said, "You will now have the ability to heal, will now be a better archer, and I would bless you with music, but I already happen to know that you are a natural musician!"

I blushed and glared at him, while other gods stared at me. "You can play?" Asked my dad.

I nodded, said thank you and bowed to Apollo.

"Ok, now that that is done, we need to discuss about where your going to stay Perseus. Because I guess you don't really won't to stay at Camp Half Blood. Am I correct?" Said Zeus. I nodded.

"He could stay at Atlantis with me." My father suggested.

I shook my head, "Sorry father. But I don't think I should really stay there. Besides, I don't want to ruin anything, or change the way it is down there for Triton." My father looked disappointed but let it go.

"He could stay with me and my hunters", Suggested Artemis. I was shocked. Me with the hunters. I'd be dead within a minute. The other gods and goddesses looked at Artemis the same as me. "You sure Artemis?" Asked Zeus.

She nodded. I thought about it and nodded. "Ok then. It's settled. Perseus will be staying with the hunters." Announced Zeus.

"Since you are staying with us, I will give you my blessing", she shot a silver beam at me. "You now have improved stealth, archery, and hunting abilities."

I smiled and bowed. "Thank you Lady Artemis."

"Ok now that everything is settled, council dismissed." He smashed his lightning bolt down, and disappeared in a flash of light. Once he was gone, most of the gods and goddesses mumbled 'drama queen' and left. I hugged and said thank you to Hestia and my father, while they said for me to be careful. Then I walked over to Artemis.

"Ready to go?" I nodded, then she placed a hand on my shoulder, and we disappeared in a flash of light.


Yes!! I did it!!!!!!! Whoo!!!! Done.

Well happy holidays everyone!!!! And I would like it if you gave me some ideas, because soon I will be running out I want to keep going for you guys.

BYE... People? I also need a good outro k BYE!!!!

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