Chapter 11- Talla Knight: Merry Christmas and Happy New Years

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I had just pulled up into my parents driveway and had unbuckled Sienna when I heard my Mum's high heels clicking against the rubble driveway.

"Merry Christmas sweethearts!" My Mum hollered. Like usual she was dressed to impress, however today she donned a bright red dress and matching high heels to match the festive season. As she came closer to Sienna she threw her arms around her tiny body and twirled her around.

As she was spun around, Sienna was laughing her head off with delight. Her giggles echoed down the street and by the time my Mum stopped whirling Sienna, I was chuckling along with them.

Mum gently placed Sienna back on the ground, and she instantly ran into her Pop's arms, who had congregated to stand alongside us on the driveway. Like Mum, Dad was sporting an upbeat red shirt matching with a pair of navy pants. He kind of reminded me of a classic nutcracker.

Mum straightened her dress, which barely had any wrinkles in it and wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace. "Merry Christmas Talla." 

"Thanks Mum." I replied, giving her a light squeeze. I forgot what it felt like the be hugged by someone that wasn't a two year old.

We stood hugging each other for a while longer, until my Mum eventually pulled away. "Before we start for the day, Mindy is still in the kitchen and she's wondering if you or Sienna are wanting breakfast before she leaves."

I smiled at the mention of Mindy, the family servant. I think she had originally joined our hetic house when I was around the age of six. It's insane to think that she had been working for my family for 15 years, and even though I was kicked from the house three years prior, she still deeply cares for me.

"Aww, Mindy's a sweetheart." I cooed, as I picked mine and Sienna's overnight bags. "Tell her she can go home for the day, Sienna and I ate before we came home. Can you also wish her a safe Christmas and New Year for me?"

"Sure thing Talla." Mum nodded and head and insisted that she helped me with the bags. "I said to her to go home early but she insisted on staying until she knew you and Sienna were fed for the morning."

Dad, who had been quietly conversing with Sienna suddenly piped up, "we're opening the presents at lunch time. I invited the King family but they said that it's tradition for them to do Christmas by themselves after the loss of their son, Nathan, a couple of years ago."

This was news to me, considering that my family had had Christmas alone ever since I was 10. This became a tradition after the death of my Grandmother and a fight between my parents and my Aunt Jasmine had taken place. Since then, we've opened presents while eating our minimal lunch and drinking our homemade 'Grinch Drinks' which were cocktails or mocktails.

"Hey Talla," My Mum chipped in. She paused before she continued as if she was planning out what she was going to say next, "your father and I think it's best if Sienna goes for a little nap before lunch."

It honestly annoyed me to no ends when they did this kind of thing. I loved it when it was still just Sienna and I, because I could parent her how I liked and wouldn't be judged or scolded by my parents. Lately, the 'suggestions' of how to parent Sienna have been turned up a notch because Dad's been pushing that they should look after Sienna while I move in and get to know Phoenix.

Arguing with Dad about the topic was futile. It was like talking to a brick wall- because just like a brick wall, Dad doesn't budge and therefore, won't change his mind on the situation.


I feel like the two hour nap that Sienna had wasn't long enough considering it took me nearly an hour and a half to put her to sleep. The only positive I saw is that lunch could now be served and I could picture the excitement in Sienna's eyes as she tears open the paper to her presents.

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