Chapter 20- Phoenix King: We're Both Suffering

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Are you okay Phoenix?

Those were four words that I don't think had left anyone's mouth since Nathan's funeral, which happened to be three months after he was pronounced deceased. Mum and Dad didn't want me breaking down and spiraling just like she was, and Alexander just knew that the answer would forever be 'no'.

One can never fully recover from losing a loved one. However, one does learn to cope with the heartbreak and sorrow that losing that person brings – and I think that I've done just that. It definitely hasn't been easy over the last couple of years because I've faced my fair share of backlash from both my family and the media.

"Phoenix?" Talla's voice sounded distant. It was like hearing an echo traveling through a tunnel. "Did I overstep my boundaries-"

"No!" I cut Talla off before she could put any blame on herself. "You didn't overstep any boundaries. I'm just trying to think of how to phrase this because I'm no longer grieving Nathan, but it still hurts. I'm probably not making any sense but that's the best way I can describe it."

Talla was silent for a while. She didn't make eye contact with me and, instead, stared at her empty glass on the kitchen island. I was trying to decipher what she was thinking based on the look in her eyes, but it was nearly impossible to guess what was going on inside her head. Talla's blue eyes conveyed so much emotion that it was futile to pinpoint only one.

"I think I understand what you mean." Talla's gentle voice said, and she finally raised her head to make eye contact with me. "Because it's how I've felt over the last three years."

I could literally feel my blood boil and my heart race at the thought of Talla being in any kind of pain. Someone as kind and as beautiful as her didn't deserve to be living a life like this.

"Can I ask a personal question?" I asked Talla, who hesitated before she gave a brief nod. "Who raped you three years ago?"

I watched all the colour drain from her face and tears slightly swell in her eyes.

Fuck! I mentally cursed at myself. I overstepped my boundaries – and because of that I've made her cry.

"Talla I- I'm so sorry. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want too." I cooed and began to make my way over to her side of the kitchen island.

When I reached Talla, I had no clue how to comfort her because every person liked to be comforted in a different way. I learned this pretty quickly after the loss of Nathan.

My Mum liked to be hugged and reassured that everyone was going to be better as she sobbed, while Dad began to throw himself into his work and was rarely home. Alexander and I just liked to sit and talk about all the good memories we had of Nathan.  

"It's okay Phoenix... it's just painful to think about sometimes." Talla sniffled and rubbed the tears away, which slightly smudged her mascara.

I pulled a handkerchief out of my pocket and held it out for her, to which she silently accepted it and used it to dab under her eyes.

"To be honest, I don't know who raped me." Talla's voice was barely above a whisper, which made it difficult to hear her above the loud party outside.

She was silent for a beat before she continued on with her traumatic experience. "All I know is that he was drunk and it was outside of either a nightclub or a pub."

"Why were you anywhere near a pub or a nightclub though?" I questioned, slightly confused because I knew a beautiful and, then, underage woman like her shouldn't be anywhere near either of those locations.

Talla turned to look me in the eyes, and the emotion that was portrayed in her ocean blue eyes, was one of pure heartbreak.

"I was at my, then, best friend's party and I went looking for her because it had been a while since I had seen her. I opened the door to her bedroom think she was probably having an outfit change or gone to the bathroom and it turns out she was busy having sex with my boyfriend."

I didn't have words. First, her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend and then she was raped - all in one night.

"I was heartbroken and beyond hurt. My best friend since high school and my boyfriend of nearly two years... I didn't have words, so I just ran before they could say anything that would justify or manipulate the situation- and that's how I got to the corner of the street, in front of either the pub or the nightclub."

A shaky breath escaped my mouth. Based on this story, there's no future for humanity.

I opened my mouth to say something to Talla, but was cut off by a loud voice that slurred all their words into one.

"Phoenix! Talla! There you's are! There's a rumor outside that the two of you have snuck off for some alone time." Alexander stumbled into the kitchen and learned against the kitchen island, still swaying slightly.

A slight giggle arose from Talla and I glanced down to see her with a slight smile on her face, which was reassuring to see after our depressing conversation.

"Phoenix, I overheard that your parents were leaving soon because your Dad has an important business meeting tomorrow. I think you should talk to them before they leave because they've been asking about you for a while now." Alexander slowly slumped onto the kitchen island.

Within seconds, Alexander's breathing had slowed and small snores were emitting from his unconscious body.

"Your friend is a character." Talla whispered with a smile playing on her lips.

"He certainly is."


Talla and I were outside once again, with our fingers interlocked as we bid guests goodnight and goodbye. Talla and I were both on a mission to find our parents to see if anything else needed to be done for tonight.

"Phoenix! Over here!" My Mum's shrill voice called out and I saw her standing with Dad and Talla's parents.


Hey everyone! Thanks for being patient for the next update, my life is extremely stressful right now and I've had little to no time to write anything. I'm going to presume that I won't update until next month so have a safe and joyous Halloween.

If you enjoyed this chapter please share it with your friends, vote, comment and add it to your reading lists.

Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night and stay tuned for the next chapter.

-C.J. Todd

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