Chapter 21 - Talla Knight: Drunk and Disorderly

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"Oh shit..." Phoenix mumbled under his breath as we approached our parents.

I didn't understand why Phoenix was cursing, until I noticed that Mrs. King was swaying with the nighttime breeze. If my guess was correct, I doubt that Mrs. King would be unable to stand on her own without the aid of Mr. King, who already had his arm coiled around his wife's waist.

"Oh would you look at our gorgeous children, Phoebe!" Carmen exclaimed when Phoenix and I had come to a stop beside them. "Can't you just see the love radiating from them?"

"They're just adorable. I can't wait to read what the news tabloids and the gossip magazines say about their relationship – hopefully they see it's a fairytale romance."

I could feel my cheeks heating up. Why was mine and Phoenix's relationship cute? We were still getting to know each other.

"Aww, Talla! There's no need to blush sweetheart!" Carmen giggled and brought her wineglass back to her lips to take another swig. "I'm sure either one of my sons is a catch..."

Jaxon cleared his throat and snatched the wineglass off his wife, briskly tipping the rest of its contents onto the grass.

Either one of her sons?

What the hell did that mean?

I knew that I was supposed to be engaged to Phoenix's deceased brother, Nathan, but I thought that plan fell through before it could even be written out in a contract.

"I was still drinking that!" Carmen snapped at her husband and tried pulling herself from his grip.

On a normal day, I don't think that Carmen would ever use that tone on her husband – she just came across as a bubbly person that was incapable of ever being angry. It made me wonder if she was drinking so much to hide the pain of the loss of her other son. I can't imagine the pain one would be going through watching your youngest son get engaged to a woman that your deceased older son was supposed to marry only a couple of years prior.


Truth be told, I aspired to be more like my future mother-in-law.

As a parent myself, I could only imagine the intense heartache that Carmen had gone through and the repercussions that occurred after Nathan passed away. However, despite all this tragedy, Carmen still has a dazzling personality that can light up a room.

Furthermore, Carmen had the courage to seek professional assistance to get over her mental illnesses. This is particularly inspiring to me because, for three years now, I've been ashamed to open up about my mental health because of the fact that people will judge me based on my past.

I had my trust completely broken thanks to my former best friend and boyfriend. I had my virginity snatched from me against my will. I've been struggling with mountains of debt, which have nearly rendered me homeless.


"Carmen... just listen to me! I said you've had enough to drink!" Jaxon murmured to his wife; his tone harsher than anything I've ever heard.

Carmen's slightly greying hair, which had been pulled out of her face and into a tight bun, had began unraveling and was sticking to her make-up. As Carmen continued to struggle out of Jaxon's grip around her waist, her burgundy dress had begun to crinkle.

It was odd witnessing, the typically pristine-looking, Carmen like this.

"For fuck sake Jaxon! I was celebrating the fact that our only son is engaged!" Carmen fired back.

I was beginning to feel like I was intruding on this argument.

"Mum! Dad! Stop it!" Phoenix unexpectedly hissed, venom dripping off each word.

I snuck a quick glance up at Phoenix and saw that his eyes were as hard as steel, and his jaw was squared – he looked beyond angry at his parents' outburst.

I could imagine this expression being plastered on Phoenix's face as he quietly sat in a courtroom. It was intimidating, but it also alluded that Phoenix was a powerful man.

Mr. King opened his mouth to shoot a response at his son, but words failed to come out.

When I marry Phoenix, the one thing I will be sure to avoid is any interaction with Jaxon – he scares the living shit out of me.

"You know what...." My Dad stated, interrupting Phoenix and Jaxon's stare off. "I think my family should go home – it's getting late and Talla still has some boxes to finish packing so she can move in tomorrow."

I stiffened at the thought that I was being sent off to live with Phoenix tomorrow, originally I was supposed to move in with Phoenix in two weeks.

"Can I have a quick word with Talla before you leave Mr. and Mrs. Knight?" Phoenix suddenly asked, turning his attention towards my parents; his facial features were still hard, but his eyes were slightly softer than when he was having a stare-off with his father.

"How many times have we asked you to refer to us by our first names?" My Mum replied, with a playful smile tugging the corner of her lips.

I could see that my Mum was trying to lighten the mood before Phoenix spoke to me alone, and I was grateful for her efforts because she knew how anxious I got when negative attention was directed at me.

"Sorry Phoebe, it's a force of habit – I'll try to remember for future references." Phoenix apologized and I noticed his demeanor was continuing to relax.


"What did you want to talk to me about?" I sheepishly asked Phoenix when we were a distance away from our parents.

"I just wanted to say, that before we were interrupted by Alexander, that I'm willing to help you through anything you may be struggling with." Phoenix stated while holding eye contact with me.

I thankful smile etched its way onto my face. Without knowing it, Phoenix was already helping me overcome my demons.

He'd listened to me and comforted me when I told my life story and he'd been there for me when I had a panic attack early tonight.

I wrapped my arms around Phoenix's waist and was surprised when I felt his own arms wrap around my frame.

"I have a feeling that loving you will be super easy." I whispered into Phoenix's chest and gave him a slight squeeze.


I clambered in the car shortly after Phoenix and I separated from our hug. The car door had only just shut when my Dad released a breath he had clearly been holding in.

"Talla, we need to talk about your living arrangements with Phoenix"

"Do we have to have this conversation in the car? Talla's already had a long enough night - can't we tell her everything in the morning?" My Mum pleaded, but a glare from my Dad silenced her pretty quickly.

I raised an eyebrow. Could this night be anymore eventful? I've already had an emotional conversation with Phoenix, I've witnessed a drunk and disorderly future mother-in-law and now this.

"I don't know how to give this news to you lightly, but your mother and I have agreed that Sienna shouldn't move in with you straightaway."

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

"No. I need Sienna with me." I practically shouted.

"Talla, just hear us out. Phoenix doesn't know you have a child. Live with him for a couple of months without Sienna and then we can slowly introduce her. It'll be better for your relationship and it'll be better when it comes to press."


Hey everyone! Thanks for your patience when it comes to this update. I honestly expected this chapter to be easier to write than what it actually was, which is why it took a while to write/edit.

Anyway, as usual, if you enjoyed this chapter please vote, comment, add it to your reading lists and share it with your friends. And as always, have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening/night and stay tuned for the next chapter.

-C.J. Todd

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