Chapter 25 - Talla Knight: Realisation

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"Where's Sienna?" Phoenix asked as soon as my Dad had shut the door behind him.

It was a genuine question and he deserved to know the answer, considering he had been under the impression that myself and my daughter would be moving in with him today. However, the tears welling in my eyes and the constricting of my throat denied me the ability to reply.

I didn't even realise I had silent tears streaming down my face until Phoenix wrapped his arms around me in a warm, comforting hug. The sobs only intensified when I was enveloped in Phoenix's embrace - I definitely wasn't standing on my own anymore.

My heart was literally throbbing at the thought of being without my daughter for a couple of months. Even though my parents said I could visit her whenever I wanted, it wasn't the same as her living with me. What my parents thought they were doing for my own 'good' was just cruel - no one should be subjected to this kind of pain.

"Please stop crying Talla." Phoenix whispered, his voice softer than usual. "We'll get Sienna back."

"H-H-How though?" I managed to stutter out through body-racking sobs.

"Talla, I need you to look a me for a second." Phoenix quietly requested.

Slowly, I lifted my head from Phoenix's shoulder to make contact with his bright emerald eyes - which were now plagued with concern. Or was it pity?

"Remember last night, when I promised you I would help you through anything you may be struggling with?" Phoenix asked.

I weakly nodded my head at Phoenix's question. I don't think I could coherently voice anything even if I tried to. My breathing was erratic and small, pathetic sobs still occasionally vibrated within my throat. On top of that, I was shaking like a leaf.

God I was a wreck. I thought of what my parents would say if they saw me right now. I'm almost certain that my Dad would have a heart attack because of how I was behaving. According to him, constantly crying in front of Phoenix would ruin any chance I had at getting my life back together. My Mum on the other hand... I think she would just tell me to wash the snot and tears from my face so that I looked less like a mess.

 "I promise you Talla, that this will be the first thing I help you with." Phoenix cooed, giving me a slight squeeze before slowly letting me go.

Almost instantly, I missed Phoenix's warm embrace. I hadn't realised how safe I had felt in his arms until they were no longer wrapped around me. It felt weird how much I trusted Phoenix already. The last boy I trusted left me heartbroken... and we all know what happened after that.


I stood, naked, in the steam-filled bathroom regretting my stupidity for having a relaxing hot shower without asking Phoenix where he kept his towels. My wet hair was creating a massive puddle at my feet and, despite my toasty shower, I was beginning to get cold.

From the looks of it, I had three options. Option one was to be cooped up in this bathroom until I naturally dried off and risked catching a cold. Option two was to call out to Phoenix and ask him to grab me a towel. Finally, option three was to make a mad dash for my room at the other end of the hall and risk Phoenix seeing me streaking down his hallway.

Sighing, I slowly trudged my way to the door and peeked into the hallway. Option one was crossed out as a possibility because I think my Mum would honestly murder me if I got a head cold a couple of weeks before my wedding day. Option three wasn't going to be a possibility either because I wasn't comfortable enough for Phoenix to see me nude yet...

Oh. My. God. Why was I just realising I would have to have sex with Phoenix to consummate the marriage?

I don't know why the fact that I would be having sex with Phoenix dawned on me so suddenly and gave me butterflies. I couldn't explain the butterflies that fluttered around my stomach. I definitely wasn't a virgin. Isaac and I had been casually fooling around every now and then when we were dating... maybe I was nervous because my last sexual interaction with a guy was non-consensual?

Why the fuck am I worried about something as futile as sleeping with my fiancé right now? I should be more focused on the pressing matter that hung over my head. I needed to get my daughter out of my parents custody.

Groaning I yanked the door to the bathroom open again and called out for Phoenix in the quiet house. Almost immediately I heard distant footsteps approaching the bathroom.

"Talla? Is something wrong?" Phoenix's concerned voice floated down the hall.

I could almost imagine exactly what Phoenix looked like right now. His brows would be knit together and his forehead would be slightly creased with worry - Phoenix was like an open book, his facial features gave him away every single time.

"I-I just need a towel..." I sheepishly call through the door.


A light knock on the bathroom door startled me, causing me to nearly drop the hairbrush gripped in my hand.

"Hold on a second." I cry out, throwing the hairbrush on the basin and hurry to the bathroom door.

"Do you want me to leave the towel on the ground outside the door or do you want me to cover my eyes when you open the door?" Phoenix asked. "By the way, I also brought you a hoodie and some socks."

I cracked the door a little and stuck my arm through, waiting for Phoenix to place the towel, hoodie and socks in my hand.

"Aww... such a thoughtful fiancé." I cooed.

My chest tightened with embarrassment and a blush crept its way onto my cheeks. Why did I say that? It was meant to come across as playful, and instead I sounded like I was flirting... I liked Phoenix, however I don't think our relationship is at that stage yet.

"I think your flirting needs a little work." Phoenix chuckled as he retreated down the hallway.


Hey guys! Thank you so, so much for being super patient with this chapter, I'm so sorry it took so long to release. Anyway, I hope this was worth the wait.

As always, if you enjoyed that chapter please show your support by voting, commenting, adding it to your reading lists and sharing it with friends. Have a lovely morning/day/evening/night and stay tuned for the next chapter.

- C.J Todd

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