Chapter 16- Phoenix King: That Went Better Than I Thought

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I loved spending one-on-one time with Talla. It was getting to the point where she was letting her guard down and was showing her true personality, which I've noticed is more child-like than she lets on. Due to how serious and mature she acts I forget that she's only 21-years-old.

The movie wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Every time I glanced over at Talla her eyes were filled with wonder and a small smile was plastered onto her face. She reminded me of a child going to Disneyland for the first time and it was adorable to see. However, there was something about Talla's amusement that reminded me of my older brother, which was a painful indication that I had to ask Talla if she knew that she was previously engaged to him.

The movie ended, and I'm pretty sure my head was off with the fairies for half of it. I think the only reason I snapped back to reality was because Talla glanced my way, the twinkle of wonder in her eyes not yet disappearing. I knew I needed to confess to her what my parents told me yesterday, but I wasn't quite sure how to explain everything to her or how she'd handle the news.

"I found something out yesterday about our engagement and I think you should know about it." I muttered, surprising myself and Talla.

"That wasn't what I was expecting to hear right now." Talla retorted and the smile that had been glued to her face for the last 95 minutes was replaced with an expression of worry.

I felt guilty for springing this upon her so early in our night, but I knew if I didn't tell her now, I wasn't going to tell her this important information at all.

"I'm sorry." I stated truthfully. "Yesterday after you told me you had a child, I was curious if my parents knew, so I asked them."

For a brief second, I'm almost positive I saw a pained expression take over Talla's face. It wasn't that I was scared of the idea of becoming a step-father to a three-year-old, but I would have liked to know what I was getting myself into when I initially signed my part of the contract.

"Go on Phoenix." Talla demanded. Her tone was no longer cheerful, and I knew that I had struck a nerve by accident.

"I didn't mean it like that." I tried to defend myself but figured I was digging my own grave, because Talla just raised her eyebrows and glared at me. "My parents tell me everything and they didn't tell me about your daughter, so I wanted to know if they knew..."

"You know what Phoenix. I thought you were different." Talla spat.

She got to her feet to leave, but I pounced out of my seat and grabbed her wrist before she could take off without me explaining myself. The instant my hand touched her skin, Talla tried to distance herself as far away from me as possible. Normally, I would have let her walk away because I didn't want to cause a scene, but today I didn't care because I was desperate to get the truth out there.

"Please let me explain Talla." I begged, and to my surprise, Talla stopped writhing in my grip. "Can we talk about this? Civilly?"


"So you're telling me that, three years ago, I was supposed to be engaged to your brother? Just to keep the fact that I had a child a secret from the public?" Talla reiterated, still sounding bewildered.

We were sitting at a bench outside the cinema, away from the public. She was handling the news better than I anticipated, but I think that's partly because she didn't fully believe me.

"Yeah. According to Mum and Dad, Nathan had loved you for years and wanted to ask you on a date but didn't have the balls to do so. Eventually, they went to your parents to ask for him and that's when they discovered you were pregnant. Casey got flustered and my parents told him that they'd keep everything a secret on the condition that you were to marry my brother." I confirmed.

"But that never the engagement fell through when your brother died in that car crash?" Talla inquired, but she didn't really need me to answer her question. "Jeez, shit is crazy. It sounds like something that would happen on one of those teen drama shows."

A small laugh escaped my lips.

"What's so funny?" Talla questioned.

"Sometimes, you say the simplest things and I find it hilarious." I confessed, a smirk pulling at the corner of my mouth.

We were silent for a couple of minutes after that. Talla appeared to be lost in thought and I wondered what she was thinking about.

"I'm sorry for losing my temper in the cinema." She faintly mumbled. "I thought you implied that you weren't comfortable with being engaged to a single mother."

"No, it's my fault. I worded that wrong." I stated, meaning every word. "As a matter of fact, I'm kind of excited to meet your daughter. You seem to love her more than anything."

A soft grin made its way onto Talla's face and the cheerful twinkle was back in her blue-green eyes. "I think she'd like you actually."


As I pulled into my driveway, just shy of 10:30, I was shocked to see not only Alexander's car but also my parent's car parked in two out of my three carports.

What the hell... I thought to myself.

I switched the ignition off and clambered out of my car. Today wasn't anyone's birthday and it wasn't the deathday of Nathan, so why is everyone meeting at my house?

I literally opened the door to my house when Dad's voice boomed from the living room. "Phoenix! We're in here and we have to talk... now!"

I'm not in trouble, am I? My heartbeat was racing, and my palms were getting sweaty.

"Take a seat son." Mum cooed and gestured to my couch when I stood in my living room's entrance. "We've got a lot to discuss about tomorrow's engagement party."

"Wasn't that supposed to be next month?" I asked as I sat next to my best friend, who patted me on the back.

"Yes... but we spoke to the Knight's today and have agreed that you and Talla have spent enough time together to be acquainted enough to undergo this engagement." Dad declared.

"Talla and I have only known each other for three months." I began to object but the look from my Dad quickly shut me up.

"Just accept your fate." Alexander whispered in my ear, with a grin that could give the Cheshire Cat a run for his money.


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-C.J. Todd

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