Chapter 6- Phoenix King:The Roof

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"Yes, Phoenix, I'm sure," Alex confirmed exhaling a huge breath before continuing. "Remember that girl your brother always had a crush on but never confirmed who it was?"

I had no idea where Alex was going with this but muttered 'yes' anyway.

"I think Talla Knight was that girl."

How was it that even though Nathan has been dead for four years, I still learn news things about him every so often? We grew up in the same house. We shared the same teachers and basically shared the same friends. And yet he still found ways to surprise me.

"Sorry Nix. I probably shouldn't have brought that up." Alex mumbled and I could sense his embarrassment. "You wanna meet up tomorrow? There's a new rooftop bar opening, it's been hyped up for the last couple of weeks..."

"Sure what's it called? I've heard that there's a couple opening around the same time." I needed a drink or two after this experience anyway.

"It's called The Roof- ironically enough." Alex laughed and sent me the details before the phone went dead.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket, picked up the same pen that Talla had a mere half and hour ago and signed my name on the dotted line beside hers.

It was only two years... what could go wrong? And if Nathan had a crush on Talla, then she must have been someone special, right?


As I exited the staircase that led up to the office, my father and mother cornered me in between an overly large potted plant and the wall.

"So did you sign it?" My mother gushed, clearly anxious that something went wrong in the office while I was alone. Perhaps she thought that I was going to rebel like Nathan would have... or would he considering Talla was his crush?

"Yes Mum. I signed it." I put on my best fake smile, and straightened the cuff of my white button up shirt. "Looks like I'm engaged now. Where's my congratulations?" I purposely made sure that the tone I used had a sense of playfulness it it, and that it matched the, most likely, cocky smile on my face.

My Mum squeal and tightly clung onto my Dad's bicep. He didn't flinch nor did he look impressed at my decision. I'm unsure if it was because I began arguing with Mr. Knight right after a marriage proposal was brought up, or if it was because he simply didn't give two shits about me and wanted this for the company.

"Phoenix, darling, did you sign it too?" Phoebe Knight cooed from the entrance of the dining room, which was situated a mere five meters away from the staircase leading up to the office.

I liked Phoebe Knight more than I enjoyed her husband's presence, maybe because she constantly wore a caring expression on her face that reminded me a little of my own mother back when Nathan and I were little kids.

Growing up Mum used to help Nathan and I with homework every evening after work, before she went for a shower or went to a late night business meeting. She always wore a smile on her face, even when she was beyond exhausted. And Sundays... those where her special days. Sunday was when the family's cooks got sent home and Mum would take over all the baking and cooking. Her favourite thing to make was a Sunday roast, healthy raspberry or blueberry muffins and an double (sometimes triple- depending on how bad her own week of work was) cookies. All that stopped after Nathan died.

"Phoenix? You alright darl?" Mrs. Knight chimed in again. I must have zoned out and been staring. "You got really pale. Do you need something to eat? I can get dessert to come out early if you want."

"Uh... no thanks Mrs. Knight-"

"Please call me Phoebe." She cut off, her soft smile lighting up her face again.

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