Chapter 12- Phoenix King: Confrontation

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They were late.

Dad had promised me that he and Mum would be here before work ended for the day. However, over an hour had passed since the office shut it's doors and I was still pacing behind my desk, anticipating my parents safe return. For some odd reason, pacing eased my nerves. It was one of the strategies my therapist hated me using, but I found it was the only strategy that put my nerves at bay for a little while.

Since the tragic death of Nathan, I've always been weary when one of my family members or friends doesn't show up on time. My therapist claimed that it has something to do with the fact that I no longer trust vehicles, especially cars.

As my thoughts we fleeting the longer I paced the small area around my desk, an obnoxious buzzing noise sounded from the communicator, indicating that my parent's had arrived and needed me to give them access to my office.

A small smile of relief made it's way to my face, as I straightened my suit jacket and tie and walked over to greet my parents by the elevator. The information that Talla had poured out to me while at lunch was so shocking that I immediately organized an emergency family discussion when I got back to the office.

When Talla told me about her appalling past, I wanted to comfort her or at least dry the tears that flowed freely down her worn out face. Except, I didn't think she'd appreciate an acquaintance touching her face or showing her sympathy when she was trying to hide one of her weaknesses. Personally, I think that Talla was the strongest woman I knew.

The elevator doors chimed open. I was already stationed beside the exit to the elevator, but I wasn't expecting was to be instantly caught up in an heated discussion about the details of the case they were working on. My Dad held open a case file and was vigorously pointing to specific details.

"Yes Jaxon, I understand that part. However, you have to remember..." My mother scolded my father.

I cleared my throat to gain my parent's attention, but it only annoyed them. I knew this because my Dad pursed his lips together and furrowed his eyebrows while my Mum sent me one of her infamous death stares.

Instead of waiting around for my parents to finish their discussion, I gathered an extra two chairs and placed them in front of my desk. I needed to know if they had knowledge of Talla's past or if I was the only person who knew of her history.

The bickering between my parents was becoming unbearable. To remind my parents that we still had an important conversation to have, I cleared my throat again but I don't think that either of my parents appreciated it.

"You know Phoenix, instead of calling us all the way to your office, you could have just called us." Mum's scolding had no effect on me, probably because Nathan and I were constantly in trouble when we were kids. However, Dad's ice cold stare made me super uncomfortable and even had me questioning my own authority within the room.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your work, but this is important... it's about my engagement to Talla." I quietly muttered, my gaze staying towards the ground.

I hated how I was still affected by my father's demeaning presence. He made me question everything and because of this, I feel insignificant and useless.

I was often left wondering about Nathan in these kinds of situations. When he was still alive, we never really talked about our parents but, now that he's gone, I feel it was probably a conversation we should have had.

"Well Phoenix are you going to tell us this important information?" Mum asked, her tone was completely different to how she was speaking to me a moment before, and it reminded me just how much me settling down meant to her.

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