Chapter 23- Talla Knight: Knight VS Knight

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Despite the fact that I was beginning to trust Phoenix with my life, I still don't think that I could live with him just yet, especially without my daughter by my side. In my defense, three-years-old is a crucial time period for learning in a toddlers' life and I wished to be there for every second of it.

"Dad... you don't understand, I can't be without Sienna for a couple of months." I whispered.

I was barely able to hear myself above the humming of the radio and the thrum of the engine as the taxi sped through numerous neighbourhoods. I was afraid I was going to have to repeat myself, which was something that I hated doing in front of my parents because it meant that I wasn't able to confidently voice my concerns.

"I do understand Talla." My Dad reached out to rest a comforting hand on my shoulder, but I was quick to brush him off.

"Talla, you're forgetting that your father is a parent too." My Mum spoke up for the first time since entering the car.

I could tell that my words were hurting my mother, but I was determined to win this fight. In my mind, my parents were being massive hypocrites right now.

Dad claimed he understood that I never wanted to be separated with Sienna because she was my daughter, but he's forgetting that he disowned me when he found out I was keeping Sienna instead of terminating the pregnancy or giving her up for adoption.

Over the last two years, my Mum has slowly accepted that Sienna was forever going to be in my life. Originally Phoebe Knight was reluctant to welcome the idea that she was now a grandmother and would only visit me once a month after either a nail appointment or a hair appointment.


The rest of the car ride passed by in silence - I was too tired to continue this fight with my Dad and I think he thought that I had accepted the entire situation. 

This argument was far from being finished - as a matter of fact, I was just getting started. 

I had a lot of points to bring up within the next 'discussion'. My parents had claimed that they understood my pain about being separated from my daughter, but they were willing to place me in, not one, but two arranged marriages with men that I had never met in my life.

While I ascended the stairs to Sienna's room I imagined how I would confront my Dad about everything going on in my life right now, over and over again.

I didn't actually realise I had already reached Sienna's room until I was slowly twisting her door knob. When I peered inside her room, she was sleeping peacefully and all I heard was the faint swoosh of the ceiling fan and heavy breathing that was emitting from my daughter.

Considering that I've had Sienna on a bedtime schedule since she was 18-months-old, she left the engagement party early to be put to bed. Although I knew that the Nanny that my parents hired to watch over my daughter would be one of the best, I still had to check in on her.

Since moving in with my parents, I've developed a habit of checking in on Sienna before I went to bed and if I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or grab a glass of water.

When I was satisfied that Sienna was soundlessly sleeping, I slowly exited her bedroom and made my way over to my own bedroom for the night. 

When I entered my bedroom, I had to fight the temptation to collapse onto my bed. As I sat at the vanity in my room, slowly removing my make-up and the pins from my hair, I felt a pang of guilt for ruining Taylor's hard work.

I was extremely thankful that I left Phoenix's place when I did though, because my feet were beginning to throb from wearing my high heels and I felt sticky because I was sweating from the multiple layers of my gown.

I think what added the cherry on top of the sundae to my discomfort was the fact that I was feeling some underlying stress about moving in with Phoenix tomorrow. 


"Talla! Breakfast and coffee is ready. Just remember though, that your boxes have to be repacked so that you can be at Phoenix's by three o'clock." 

When I heard the faint knocking on my door, I shot awake in my bed. Due to my sleep-induced daze it took me a moment to realise that the knocking on my door wasn't caused by Sienna.

I stood from my bed and stretched my arms high above my head, which ignited a series of pops in my back.

In my peripheral vision, I could see that the sun was shining through the thick curtains. Based on the sun intensity, I assumed that it was about mid-morning which meant that I had overslept for the first time in three years.

As I trudged downstairs, rubbing sleep from my eyes, my mind wandered back to last nights conversation on the way back home. What did I have to say to convince my parents that it would be best if Sienna lived with me and Phoenix?


When I reached my usual spot at the dining table, a steaming cup of black coffee and two pieces of toast with raspberry jam were already there. Based on past experiences, I could tell that this was Dad's doing and he was probably trying to suck up to me to soften last nights blow.

"Good morning Talla." My Dad chirped.

He pulled out the chair beside me and placed his own cup of steaming coffee and toast on the table. His meal was exactly like mine, which basically confirmed my theory that he was trying to dull the impact of our previous conversation.

"Good morning Talla." My Dad repeated himself.

When I was younger, hearing his tone rapidly turn to ice used to make me quiver in my shoes. However, his scare tactic wouldn't frighten me anymore -  I wasn't some easily intimidated 18-year-old and I knew that he was trying to establish his dominance.  

"Drop the pleasantries. If you want to talk to me then we can continue our conversation from last night - because I haven't changed my stance on the situation." I snapped. 

There was a minute of silence that I felt stretch throughout the entire house.

"I hope your boxes are packed. Phoenix took today off so you'll be moving in earlier than anticipated - I just got off the phone to him."

I slouched in my seat. I thought I was no longer a cowardly 18-year-old, but I was still a weakling. I thought I had developed the mental capacity to confront my Dad since being on my own with Sienna, but that was far from the truth apparently.


Hey everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter of The Single Mother. I'm sorry it's been published a little later than what I originally promised - I had a couple of unexpected things pop up in my life. On another note, I hope everyone had a safe holiday season.

As usual, if you enjoyed this chapter please show your support by voting, commenting, adding it to your reading lists and sharing it with your friends.

-CJ Todd

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