Chapter 7- Talla Knight: Coffee Talks

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"I have a small vanilla bean frappe, a double shot espresso and a flat white cappuccino." A waitress asked, her facial expression revealed she was tired as her face had dark huge bags under her eyes and her white t-shirt and black apron was covered in flour and cocoa stains.

"Yeah, that's us thanks." My Dad smiled at her and tipped her a large amount. Majority of my paycheck came from the tips I received from my shift, so witnessing this lady get her fair share in tips actually made me feel happy for her.

The waitress plopped the tray containing the drinks on the table, thanked us for our considerable tips and left, going behind the counter and into the kitchen, probably to do some more baking or washing up.

"So why was I called here?" I asked Dad, sipping my double shot espresso after getting Sienna settled down with her vanilla bean frappe.

"Right. I forgot I called you here for a reason." Dad rubbed the back of his neck, before continuing. "So I've been thinking. Phoenix doesn't know that Sienna is your baby. I was talking to Jaxon and Carmen King and they were saying that after Nathan, Phoenix's older brother tragically passed, he has come to the conclusion that he never wants kids."

Nathan... where have I heard that name before? It sounded awfully familiar, but I don't know of a time or place where I could have heard of Nathan King before. Also, it was never mentioned last night that Phoenix had a deceased brother, I can understand why he didn't want kids because of that experience but it would be a little inconsiderate if he didn't respect me because of my daughter.

"Talla? Are you listening?" My Dad called out. "Your Mum and I have been thinking that, maybe, Sienna should stay with us for awhile. At least until you and Phoenix are better acquainted."

I glanced over at Sienna, who was happily slurping on her frappe. Why would Mum and Dad want to take in Sienna? They had kicked me out of the house for refusing to let my child go, and now they wanted to look after the same child they wanted nothing to do with? Even if large sums of money was involved, my parents typically refused to do things that went against their morals.

"Why?" I snapped back, finally tearing my gaze away from my daughter. "You made it pretty clear three years ago that you wanted nothing to with her and now, here we are, saying you're willing to look after her and allow her to live with you while I'm living with someone else just so you and I get a little money?"

"Talla... I'm sorry for what I did three years ago. But we couldn't let the idea that our 18-year-old daughter had gotten pregnant destroy the company's reputation. If you were a businesswoman you'd understand."

I nearly choked on my next sip of my espresso. Business owner or not, someone should never say to their child that becoming a parent at a legal age would destroy their reputation- especially when the reason that person was pregnant was because of rape.

"No, Dad. I think it's you who doesn't understand. At least Mum had the decency to help me raise a newborn. She understood that I had little to no sleep. She understood that I struggled to pay rent. She understood that I couldn't find a job other than at that stupid bar!" Was I overreacting? Maybe. Probably. Yes.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Phoebe helped you?" Dad asked, a little starstruck.

Shit. I'd forgotten that I promised Mum that I wouldn't tell anyone she'd help me financially when I couldn't afford the rent for the week or bills for the month. I'd always pay her back, but I think that I currently owed her $3,000 for recent medical bills, groceries and my water and electricity bill. And getting that money could range from six weeks to six months.

Dad still held his shocked expression. "That actually explains so much. The recent expenses said that we were missing around $3,000. When I asked Phoebe about it she said that she spent it on a new handbag, shoes and a business dress. I just brushed it off because it felt like she was buying new clothes every week but... it went to you."

"I- I was on my way to paying you back Dad. I swear." I mumbled, embarrassed to be reminded that I was no longer a part of the society that I used to be. I now had to work double or triple shifts just to earn about $500.

A sigh sounded from where my Dad was sitting, but I didn't want to raise my head to make eye contact with him.

"Talla, please. Just let your Mother and I take care of Sienna until you tell Phoenix what happened. You can come and visit her whenever you want."

Slowly, I raised my eyes from my now empty cup. Dad's eyes were pleading with me. I didn't want Sienna and I to be separated, but I knew that it had to be done for now.

"Fine, you can look after Sienna. Anything else?" I asked, just wanting to go home.

"Actually... there is. Your Mother wanted to take you clothes shopping for the engagement party. She wants to go tomorrow and it'll be paid for by us." Dad had already grabbed his phone and wallet and was standing up from the booth to leave. "See you in two days time. By the way- I've already paid for today's drinks."

I didn't get to say thank you as he was already outside and walking towards his car, which was parked beside the cafe.


I'd just finished buckling Sienna into her booster seat when my phone binged with a text message. It was from an unknown number.

Hello Talla. Could you please meet me at 6 o'clock at Rich Table for dinner tonight? I'd like to discuss the contract with you in person. - Phoenix.

Oh for fuck's sake. Haven't I had a long enough day already?


Hey everyone. Thanks for reading this chapter of The Single Mother! Sorry it took awhile to release, I'll try to get more chapters out soon- planning and writing can take awhile with school going on. 

Can you believe that it's only my second week of school and I already have a all my assignments due in two weeks time?!?

If you enjoyed this chapter then please give it a vote, add it to your reading lists and add a comment.

Have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening/night and I'll catch you next time!


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