The Gift & The Truth

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>>>Unknown POV>>>

I was hiding behind the line of trees watching the werewolf and his mate enjoying each others company.

The werewolf's mate pulled back from their make-out session "Wait " he exclaimed turning his head around in every direction " I feel as if someones watching us" he said as soon as he said that I quickly and quietly withdrew myself from there.

My front pocket started to vibrate, sliding my hand inside I pulls out my cell and answered it without looking who it is, only one person that could call me in this phone, and placed it on my ear " Anything new to report?" Said the voice from the other side.

"It seems he's starting to awaken" was all that I said.

"Good. Keep him within range, if anything happens to him then everything we have worked for will be worth nothing. We cannot afford to loose him, he's one of the last of his family. We need him alive for this. KEEP HIM SAFE FROM THE HUNTERS!" He said before hanging up.

I kept walking down the streets thinking of the past. ~He seemed happy with his werewolf mate, oblivious to the fact of what his boyfriend is not human, but nevertheless, neither is he. In fact both are oblivious what the other truly is. One a werewolf, and the other -~ I was interrupted by a strangers voice coming from behind me.

"Would you look at here boys," said a guy standing in front of me with his 'boys' to each side of him, " It seems that our little friend is lost" ~Great they going to try and jump me, I get tired of this, happens to often~ shaking my head I spoke up "I would advice you to back down while you still have a choice, I'm tired and hungry, a combination that does not mix well with anger, 'boys'" I said, with the last word in a mocking way.

"I believe that you are out -" I didn't even let him finish as I upper cut him, knocking him out conscious with little effort, his friends shock at my speed and strength , didn't even think twice to carry off his friend and running away like injured dogs with their tails between their legs.

Shaking my head " pitiful weak humans, they are filled with more potential than they think they are, yet only a few choose to gain that potential" I said reaching the building I have know to call home, climbing the lift up to my apartment, I entered my living room and plunked down on the couch, taking out my wallet and sliding out the picture that was inside, unfolding it it showed 4 people my parents, me and my little brother, his big wide smile and his forrest green eyes shining with happiness just like a 5 year olds eye should be.

"This time I won't loose my family, I promise to protect you little brother" I said to my self as a tear slid down my cheek.


Three months later....

>>>ALEX'S POV>>>

" SARAH!!!" I yelled as she pounce on me laughing.

"What?" She asked innocently as I turned towards her, glaring at her " Oh don't you 'what' me now girl, you know how I feel when you do that" I asked in fake anger.

She scoffed playfully "Admit it, you love it" she said the last part in a song-along voice. I sometimes didn't get this girl, she so... Weird.

Shaking my head "Anyways, when are the rest of the guys getting here?" I asked, and before she could answer the doorbell rang infinitely followed by a sequence of knocks. Groaning I went to answer the door while yelling "WHO EVER IS DOING THAT BETTER STOP BEFORE YOU LOOSE-" I was cut short when I opens the door and was hit with a snowball. Stun, I just stood there as a round of laughter came from in front of me.

Cries Of Wolf Book 1 (Boyxboy) (Editing/Rewriting In Progress)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora