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Loki turned her head to the sound of Sirius's voice. He was staring at her with wide eyes, and, the moment their eyes connected, he grinned widely.

"I see you got my delivery last night," Sirius sat down beside her immediately, staring at the Gryffindor jersey she had on. "I can't believe you actually are wearing it. You... Princess, you look excellent in my jersey. I feel like the luckiest man alive right now."

Loki giggled, looking down at the red and gold jersey that was too big for her with a grin. "Thank you for lending it to me," Loki spoke, looking back up at him.

"Don't thank me," Sirius replied, waving her off. "I'd be happy to lend you anything of mine. I mean, isn't there a saying for people in relationships. What's mine is yours?"

"I think that applies to married couples, Sirius," Loki told him, taking a piece of toast.

"And?" Sirius shot back, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

"Oho, what's this?" Loki and Sirius turned their attention from one another to James, who stood on the opposite side of the table, smirking at the couple. "Lily will be pleased to see she's not the only one wearing a jersey."

"So you and Lily are official, official?" Loki queried, looking down the Gryffindor table to where Lily sat, conversing with Marlene.

"Yep," James nodded, taking his place opposite Loki. He grabbed a bit off bacon off the plate, tearing a chunk off as he stared at Lily with a confident grin. "And I suppose you two are making it official?"

"And I'm already ready to hex anyone who talks bad about it," Sirius replied, swinging his arm over Loki's shoulder.

"I'll join you on that," James grinned, winking at Loki. "Don't worry, I've got your back."

"I would thank you, but I really shouldn't be condoning that," Loki frowned.

"Condoning what?" The trio turned their attention to Remus as he sat down on the other side of Loki. Peter appeared behind James, taking the spot beside him. Remus's eyes moved to Loki, frowning as he looked at the oversized article of clothing she had on. "Is that Sirius's spare jersey?"

"I sent it to her last night," Sirius replied. Remus looked up at him, raising his eyebrow. "Don't worry, I made sure the house-elves washed it three times just to be safe. If you're jealous Moony, I'll let you wear to our next match."

"Yeah, no thanks," Remus replied, scrunching up his nose in disgust. Loki chuckled to herself. Remus's attention turned to her once more, something stirring inside him.

"I think Loki's going to have to be my new lucky charm from now on," Sirius smirked. "I can already tell we're going to win."

"You don't need a lucky charm for us to win, Sirius," James replied. "We're just that good. Isn't that right, Peter?"

"Yep!" Peter nodded.


James and Sirius were right when they said they would win. With a 90 point lead to Ravenclaw, and a seeker gaining on the snitch with each passing second, Loki had no doubt of their victory. It would put them far in the lead of the other houses in the Quidditch cup. They were already in the lead, but winning that match would mean it would be almost impossible for the other houses to catch up.

The Gryffindor supporters cheered loudly. Loki looked back at Nicolas and Peter, who's gazes were locked on the game. She then turned her head to Remus, whose hands held her tightly against him by wrapping them around her waist. She leant her head back, and he kissed her forehead. With a smile on her face, she focused on the match once more.

Her eyes locked on the Ravenclaw chaser making his way to the Gryffindor goal post.

"And Douglas speeds down the pitch, heading with the intent to win," Stanely narrated. "He passes Black, but Sirius bats a well-aimed bludger at him, and he goes down!" Stanley cheered as Douglas flipped around on his broom as it went down. "With Quaffle free, Potter snatches it up and races down to the Ravenclaw goals, expertly maneuvering through them."

"Bourke's almost got the snitch," Remus muttered. Loki's eyes flicked to Gryffindor's seeker, his hand outstretched with what seemed like mere millimetres from the golden streak of the snitch.

"Potter and Bourke are so close to their designated goals," Stanley awed through the microphone. "Potter prepares himself to shoot as Bourke gains on the snitch."

The next to moments seemed to slow. Loki's eyes darted from James to Bourke, Loki waited in anticipation, grabbing Remus's hands resting in her stomach tightly. She watched as, at the exact same moment, James tossed the quaffle into the left goal and Bourke's fingers wrapped around the snitch, stopping his broom.

"HOLY SHIT!" Stanly shouted, earning a high-pitched squeal from the speakers. "Sorry everyone, but Potter has scored ten points at the same time Bourke caught the snitch. No matter what you say about that final goal, it's evident Gryffindor's won this match! This puts them in the lead with a sure win over the Quidditch Cup."

"Funny how McGonagall seems to go quiet whenever Gryffindor's victory is mentioned," Nicolas laughed, but the eruption of victorious cheers from every Gryffindor supporter in the stands drowned him out.

"Do you want to go down and congratulate him?" Remus inquired, bending down to Loki's ear. She nodded, and his hands slipped from her waist, intertwining it with hers.

Remus led Loki down the numerous flights of stories to the ground, where he took her around the Quidditch pitch to the Gryffindor changing rooms. He stuck his head around the door while Loki waited, buzzing with joy and excitement. She could hear the team celebrating, cheering and could feel their own ecstatic happiness from outside.

"Remus!" Sirius suddenly appeared, jumping out the doorway and pulling his best friend into a hug. He then noticed Loki, grabbing her hand and pulling her into him as well. "I bloody told you that you were my lucky charm." He told her, smashing his lips onto hers. His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her tight to him. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Loki breathed heavily, pressing her hands against his chest. Her green eyes found Remus, who took a few steps away when Sirius let him go and kept his eyes off the pair as they kissed. "Remus."

"Hm?" He turned to her questioningly. Sirius grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the pair, letting Loki go.

Loki grabbed his face, pulling him down to kiss him. Remus's hands rested on her waist as he kissed back. They only broke away when they heard a whistle.

"Oh, shove off, Prongs," Sirius stuck his finger up at the boy.

"I love you, too," Remus spoke, pressing his lips against hers once more.


i would die for these three you have no idea.

i would've gotten this out quicker but i was jamming to some music while my parents were out. sorry.

anyway, i hope you enjoyed. leave a comments bc i love reading them and replying, and vote. I'll see you next time, you wonderful people. bye! :)

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