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Loki couldn't help the flush that rose to her cheeks at Nicolas's question. He raised his eyebrow at her reaction, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. Loki turned away and cleared her throat. She walked slightly faster, pulling her coat tighter around her. She wasn't sure why she'd decided to go out and walk the grounds in the freezing weather.

"It was fine," she muttered. "I had a good time hanging out with the boys." Loki scratched the back of her neck. "How was your Christmas? How's your family?" Loki Nicolas's adoptive family, who even accepted her as one of their own quite quickly after meeting her.

"They're all doing fine. Mum and Dad, little Joey, the dumb cat. They're going great." Nicolas shrugged, keeping his pace matching hers. "I guess Christmas was fine. Mum made a nice roast turkey for us, and we had Joey's grandparents and uncle stopped by on Christmas eve." Loki felt sad when Nicolas referred to his adoptive relatives as if he weren't a part of their family.

"What did you get for Christmas?" Loki inquired.

"I got some socks—and a sweater. Oh, I got the painting you sent me. Thanks," Nicolas bumped into the girl's shoulder, shooting her a grin. "Lydia dropped by, too. She used some floor powder and appeared right as we were having lunch. My mum was frightened for a second about her suddenly appearing, but invited her to sit and eat with us."

"Sounds like fun," Loki laughed.

"It was amusing seeing Lydia's red face," Nicolas chuckled. "Oh, I've got some other news."

"What is it?"

"So, you know how my parents moved in October?" Loki nodded at his query. "Well, it turns out we've moved onto the same street as James Potter," he frowned at the boy's name, "right across from him."

"Oh," Loki blinked in shock. "I'm guessing you found out only when you got there?"

"James thought I was stalking him, " Nicolas clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Why in Merlin's name would I do that?"

"Probably because I'm so great." The familiar voice of James Potter startled both of the Hufflepuffs, and they simultaneously turned around to face him. "What'cha doing out here, neighbour?"

Nicholas groaned at the boy, spinning back around. James frowned at him, then turned to Loki. The girl waved, a nervous smile on her lips, then glanced back to Nicolas.

"I'm sorry about him," Loki chuckled. She scratched the back of her neck.

"He doesn't like me," James waved her off, still donning his grin, "I get it. He's bitter about the Quidditch match, and now he's moved across from me. I guess everything's stacked against him right now."

"Nicolas already got over the match, remember?" Loki cocked her head. "I thought something else must have happened afterwards for him to be acting like this. Did something not happen between you?"

James expression shifted to one of confusion. He peered curiously at Loki, then Nicolas. "I thought he was still mad. Well, now I know that's not the case." He shoved his gloved hands into the pockets of his coat. "And you have no idea?"

"Nope," Loki replied. "I could ask Lydia to see if she knows, but I doubt she does."

James grinned at the girl. "Cool. Thanks."

"Do you mind if I ask why you're curious about what's wrong?"

"Oh, I just thought that if I did something wrong, I should probably apologise," He replied. "And he's your friend, and because you're my friend, by extension, he is too."

"Oh." Loki was slightly shocked by his response. Her visible surprise was swiftly replaced with a thankful smile.

"I better go now before he gets in an even more pissed off mood," James spoke up, "I'll see you later."

"Bye," Loki gave the boy a small wave.

James returned the gesture. He spun on his heel and hastily retreated to the warmth of the castle. Once he was out of sight, Loki heard Nicolas let out a soft sigh. She turned to him, narrowing her eyes and lifting her eyebrow. Her friend frowned, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"What's the problem?" Loki inquired. "Did something happen between you two?"

"No," Nicolas sighed, "it's nothing. Don't worry." He waved the girl off. "He just messes with my head a little."

"Oh," Loki frowned. She was still confused about the situation but didn't want to press further. "Should we go back inside? It's getting a little too cold for my liking," she chuckled. Nicolas nodded and quickly stepped to the girl's side again.


"Hi, Sirius," Loki beamed at the boy as he sat down beside her. "How was listening to James rave on about winning against Slytherin?"

"Great, actually," the boy replied, scooping a pile of mashed potato onto his plate. "We're definitely going to win against those snakes." He turned his gaze to her. "You're going to be cheering for us, right?"

"Of course," Loki replied, taking a spoonful of peas for her dinner.

"I was going to lend her my spare scarf," Lily Evans spoke to Sirius from her place a few spots down the Gryffindor table.

"Thanks again, Lily," Loki smiled. Lily waved her off.

Loki went to turn back to Sirius but spotted Remus and Peter walking to where they were. She waved at the pair. Peter returned the gesture, and Remus smiled softly, the faintest tint of pink dusting his cheeks. The pair sat down opposite Loki and Sirius.

"Hi," Loki greeted the pair.

"Hey," Remus replied.

"I didn't know you'd be joining us, Loki," Peter commented. "Usually you're over with Nicolas, right?"

"Lydia invited him to sit with her," she pointed to the far end of the Gryffindor table where Lydia and Nicolas sat, laughing with Lydia's friends, "and Max is sick, so I thought sitting here would be better than sitting alone."

Peter nodded. "I can understand that," he agreed. "How was your Christmas, Loki? Did you have fun with Remus and Sirius?"

The girl paused, her breath hitching. She bit her lip. Her gaze flicked from Sirius to Remus, both of which were already looking her way. She finally turned her attention to a curious Peter.

"Well, put simply, it was... Eventful," she chuckled.

Remus raised his brow at her but didn't speak. The two made eye contact, and Loki beamed at him.

"Oh," Peter faltered slightly, "well, that's good, right?" Loki nodded. "Good. Cool. Yeah."


A/N: hjonk, december is finished. Next part is january/february which is where things get a little more... interesting.

i hope you enjoyed! feel free to comment, i'll try my best to reply to them all. until next time :)

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