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Loki looked back at her brother. He gave her the 'I shouldn't be doing this' look for the hundredth time. She turned around to Nicolas and Sirius, who stood side-by-side and glared at Thor intending to kill. Loki glanced over at Marlene and Lily. The pair held matching looks of disappointment.

"He apologised," Loki told the group. "He knows what he did was wrong-"

"Then why'd he do it in the first place?" Nicolas interrogated, never removing his gaze for a moment.

"Nic," Loki sighed, desperately wanting her best friend to not act that way.

"He hurt you too many times, Loki," Nicolas spoke. "I know that better than anyone here."

"I should go," Thor whispered to his sister. He noticed her distraught expression and didn't want to burden her any more. "I'm sorry I ever came," he muttered to the group before turning on his heel.

"Thor!" Loki called out to him as he shuffled away. She looked back at her friends, knitting her eyebrows together as a rare wave of anger washed over her. "He may not have been very nice while we were here, but you have to remember he's my brother, he's my blood, and he was the only one there for me before I met you." She locked eyes with Nicolas. "And I thought you of all people would understand that."

Nicolas was confused. He watched Loki leave, desperately scrambling his brain to figure it out. Thor hurt her more than he'd ever known, yet the minute he apologised she was fine? He couldn't wrap his head around it. Even with the authentic look of guilt on Thor's face, he couldn't bring himself to trust the seventh year. All Thor did was... he...

Nicolas realised it then. He rushed to pull his bag off his shoulder, thrusting it into Sirius's arms. The Gryffindor frowned at Nicolas.

"What is it?" Sirius queried.

"I just realised something. Look after my stuff while I go apologise for us being the biggest idiots on the planet," Nicolas replied, calling over his shoulder as he began to jog after her.

How could he have been so stupid? Nicolas followed the path Loki had taken, hoping she couldn't have gotten far in the few minutes she'd been gone for. He rounded the corner, almost colliding with Remus.

"Remus!" Nicolas's eyes widened. "Have you seen Loki?"

"Uh, yeah, I just passed her," Remus replied, pointing his thumb behind him. "Is she okay, Nicolas? She looked upset."

"I did something foolish, and so did the others. It was about her brother, but there's no time to explain, so I'll see you later." Nicolas sputtered, spewing out his words before making his way past Remus.

Remus watched after the boy, confused, before continuing down the corridor. Nicolas made his way around one more corner where he finally came across Loki. She was leant against the wall, her hands were held against her face. Nicolas let out a soft breath before stepping closer to her.

"Loki?" He spoke softly. She removed her hands, looking over at him.

"What are you doing?" Loki glared.

"I came to apologise, alright?" Nicolas held his hands up, then extended one to her. "I'm an idiot, okay. I realised that it wasn't actually your brother who did all those things to you, and I suppose I was just blinded because he used to be friends with Marcel. Which is why I'm allowing you one free hit of stupidity."

Loki glanced from his extended hand to his genuinely apologetic expression. Loki sighed, grabbing his hand and pulling him in for a hug. Nicolas's eyes widened,  but he quickly hugged her in return.

"It's okay, Nic," Loki sighed. "I realise that maybe I should have gone a lot slower with this whole thing. Thor actually told me so, as well."

"Where did he go?" Nicolas queried, looking in the corridor for any sign of the blonde.

"He ran off after he told me," Loki replied. "I'm sorry for running off, by the way."

"We were all being assholes, anyway," Nicolas chuckled, pulling away and ruffling the girl's hair. "Come on, we should probably go back."

"Yeah," Loki smiled.


"It's alright, Sirius," Loki smiled back at him. "I know why you were acting like that."

"Are you sure?" Sirius queried, looking down at her.

"Yes, and I really don't need you to walk me all the way to class, you know?" Loki laughed.

"Well, I thought it would be nice considering I have a free right now," Sirius replied. "Plus, it gave me time to apologise for being a jerk before."

"Again, Sirius, it's fine, alright?" The pair stopped outside Loki's Rune's class. She stood on her tiptoes and planted her lips against Sirius's. "I'll see you after class, alright?"

"Alright, Princess," Sirius smiled, letting her hand go. "I'll wait for you." He gave her another kiss before she headed into the class.

Loki sat down beside Max, letting out a breath of air. He peered at her curiously, his hand running through his blonde curls as he attempted to figure out what was going on. Loki seemed both stressed, but relieved, and the fading blush on her cheeks told him she'd just been talking to either Sirius or Remus.

"What's been happening, Loki?" Max inquired, pulling on a grin.

"No hello today, hmm?" Loki teased.

"Hello, Loki," Max replied, rolling his eye with an amused smile. "So, what's been going on lately? You look a little stressed. The Marauders haven't been giving you trouble?"

"Um, not really," Loki answered, rubbing the back of her neck. "I kind of tried to make them and my brother get along, and it sort of backfired." She told him, tugging on a strand of hair. 

"I thought you and your brother weren't getting along?" Max frowned, confused.

"We made up," Loki spoke simply. "Anyway, it backfired, but I made peace with everyone, and they told me that they're sorry, and I said I was sorry, and I asked if they would try to give my brother a second chance."

"So, you and Thor are good, now?" Max queried.

"Yeah," Loki smiled. "I want him to be my older brother again, so we're trying to make that happen."

"Aw," Max cooed. "You're so adorable, Loki. Can I take you home and keep you forever?"

Loki laughed at the Ravenclaw, shaking her head slightly. "Thanks for the offer, Max, and, as much as I would love to, I don't think my Dad would be very pleased."

"I'll only borrow you on weekends then," Max grinned.


hello, lovely humans. how are you all? i hope you're doing well. if any of you have school, i hope you're studying and learning as much as you can because eventually someone's going to look you in the face and ask you for the Pythagorean theorem formula. always good to be well prepared.

now for my usual check-in. i hope you've all been drinking water and eating your meals. if you have congrats! if you haven't, that's okay, but please try a little harder next time, maybe? for me? or not, it doesn't matter. I get worried about you all, you know.

and now for my usual farewell. i hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next time. bye! :)

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