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Loki smiled up at Remus, flushing when he pressed a kiss to her head. Loki looked back down. Her eyes connected with Sirius, who raised an eyebrow at her as he tore off a piece of bacon.

"You're in a good mood," Peter pointed out, watching the taller boy curiously.

"I suppose I am," Remus smiled, collecting a few pieces of toast and grabbing a helping of bacon and poached eggs.

"Why's that, Moony?" James leant on the table, looking around Loki, who he chose to sit next to, and grinned knowingly. "Did something good happen?"

"You could say that," Remus chuckled lightly.

"Well, I'm going to have to bring you off your high," Sirius spoke up. He lifted his arms above his head as he stared at his friend. "We've got our Transfiguration test this morning, mate. Good ol' Minnie told me it'd be a hard one, too."

"Hard for you, maybe," Remus pointed his fork at his friend. "I haven't seen you study at all, lately."

"Eh, I've been distracted," Sirius shrugged. "I'll admit that." He dusted off his hands, picking up a napkin to wipe his face and the mess on his fingers and palms. "I'm going to have a smoke. Need to de-stress before class. I'll see you there." Sirius climbed off the seat, pulling his bag from underneath the table.

"Be careful," Loki told him.

"I'm always careful," Sirius winked, giving her a two-finger salute before heading away.

Loki smiled after the boy. She turned back to her breakfast cereal, lifting the spoon to her mouth. As she did, she noticed Peter staring at his cereal as he slowly chewed. She frowned, tapping the table to gain his attention. Peter looked up, and Loki cocked her head at him, her eyebrows furrowed, and her eyes silently questioned him. She pointed at him, then did a thumbs up.

Peter swallowed. "I didn't know we had a test today," he whimpered. "I haven't studied at all for Transfiguration."

"Oh," Loki frowned.

"There's nothing I can do now, I suppose," Peter shrugged. "I'll just have to hope to pass."

"Don't worry, Peter," Loki sent him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure you'll pass. Just don't stress too much over a single question. You can always go back if you remember."

"Thanks, Loki," Peter replied. "I better get going, though. I'm going to see if McGonagall will tell me anything." Peter clambered off the chair, almost falling backward as he went. "See you!"

"Bye!" Loki called, waving after him.

"Then there were three," James hummed, then laughed. "You know, Valentine's Day is only two days away." He nudged Loki. "Good time to get things done. You both know what you're doing then?"

"Not celebrating my birthday," Loki murmured.

"You're the only one talking about it," James poked the girl's shoulder.

"No, Marlene and Lily asked me what I wanted for my birthday yesterday," Loki retorted. "Then they began to complain, very loudly may I add, about me not wanting to celebrate."

"Well, the last birthday they celebrated was Lily's, and we all know how that ended," Remus spoke up.

"I know," Loki sighed. She flicked her wrist, looking down at her watch, and another breath escaped her lips. "I've got to get going. D.A.D.A."

"I'll see you later, then," Remus smiled at the girl, giving her a kiss on the forehead. She nodded.

"Bye," James nudged the girl again, then sent her a grin.

Loki waved farewell to the pair and quickly headed out of the Great Hall. She got around the corner and silently cursed James. He already told her the best way to ask Sirius was on Valentine's. However, Loki also knew that it was probably the worst time as well. Sirius had a lot of admirers, with many of them having already sent deadly glares her way whenever she sat with the boy.

Loki let out a frustrated huff. She wondered if Valentine was even a good time to ask. Her fingers fiddled with the golden bracelet she'd put on that morning, her index finger running over the underside of the engraved small gold plate. After not having worn it for almost a year, Loki couldn't understand why she'd pulled out her mother's bracelet from her jewellery box.

"You okay there, Loki?" The girl blinked and lifted her head, her eyes connecting with Lily's green ones. Max and Marlene were a step behind her, also peering curiously at the dark-haired Hufflepuff. "You seemed a bit frustrated."

"I just have a lot on my mind at the moment," she replied, offering the trio a smile. "Um, what are you three doing? I have never seen you all together before."

"Max got confused with what class he was having, and ran into us," Marlene explained.

"Oh, well, I won't keep you long," Loki smiled. "I've got to get to DADA."

"Oh, we'll see you later then, yeah?" Marlene grinned. Loki nodded.

"I've got to talk to you about Valentine's anyway," Lily smiled, sending a wink the girl's way. Loki's eyes widened in fright.

"O—oh, okay," Loki hastily nodded. "Um, bye. See you later." She lifted her hand as she walked around the three, waving.

"Later, Loki!" Max waved innocently, sending the girl a big grin.

"See you!" Marlene and Lily said in sync, making them laugh.

Loki nodded once more and rushed past them. She gazed down at her watch again. She swore she could feel her heartbeat pick up when she noticed she was a few minutes later than she usually was. Loki grit her teeth, took a deep breath to calm down and quietly reassured herself it wasn't too much of a big deal and fixating over it was a bad idea. She quickened her pace as she attempted to get her mind off it.

Loki found herself focusing on James's words and the impending Valentine's Day. She laughed bitterly to herself, gently tugging the golden chain on her wrist. She couldn't get mad at James or the others for not knowing anything about it, but she could get angry at herself for not telling them. She sighed. It was too much of a touchy subject, and she didn't particularly feel like crying so early in the morning.

"Just focus on getting to class," Loki muttered, dropping her hands as she realised she was nearing the classroom. "Focus on the work. You can tell them later. You can tell Sirius."

She sucked in a sharp breath. She'd almost forgotten about Sirius. Loki bit her lip as she stopped in front of the closed classroom door. She clenched her fist, breathing deeply once more.

"Yeah." She nodded. "You can tell Sirius."


i have no wifi right now so i can't type on my laptop at the moment.

Other than that, hi! How are you? I hope you've been eating and drinking enough.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you next time!

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