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Loki gazed in awe at the beast presented before her. It was a Knarl, something that resembled a hedgehog almost exactly. Professor Kettleburn showed it to the students, walking between the aisles of desks so each student could get a close look. The teacher returned to the front and placed the enclose back on his desk before turning to the class once more.

"Who can tell me a characteristic that clearly tells the difference between hedgehogs and Knarls?" Professor Kettleburn queried. Several hands shot up. "Loki." 

The hands lowered as Loki cleared her throat. None of her classmates were surprised, and some were relieved, knowing they got out of potentially getting something wrong.

"Knarls, if offered food, will most likely believe that they are being lured into a trap," Loki spoke, "and then will proceed to tear up the person's garden and plants."

Professor Kettleburn grinned. "Well done! That is correct! Ten points to Hufflepuff." Loki grinned proudly. "And, hedgehogs are also unable to have milk, which is poisonous to them."

Professor Kettleburn continued on about the Knarls. Loki was completely engrossed with his lesson, as were many other students. She was beyond glad that she had gotten an 'Outstanding' for the Care of Magical Creatures on her O.W.Ls. They class was beyond entertaining.

When the lesson finally came to a close, Loki had racked up another twenty points. She was exceedingly pleased with herself.

As everyone packed up their belongings and Professor Kettleburn put away the Knarl, Loki felt a presence beside her. She looked up and was startled by the sight of Remus standing beside her. He smiled widely.

"Hi," he greeted.

"H–hi," Loki flushed. She turned her gaze to her books as she placed them in her bag.

"Good job today," he spoke. "Thirty points."

"It wasn't that many," Loki played down, shaking her head. Despite her pride, she didn't want to seem boastful.

"I only got ten," he countered, raising a brow with a smile. Loki flushed again.


"I was wondering," Remus began as Loki shouldered her bag. She peered up at him. "Uh... I was wondering if you wanted to join me for lunch?"

Loki's eyes widened. She immediately began to sputter out her response, but it resulted in gibberish. She paused, letting out a low breath before beginning again.

"I–I would like that," she replied, tucking her hair behind her ear. Remus grinned again.

"Well," he glanced at the door, where several students who'd packed up were leaving, "walk with me there now?"

Loki nodded vigorously in response. Remus chuckled, moving to the door. Loki hesitated, hoping to compose herself within the short moment, and continued to follow him. He paused, letting her catch up so she was beside him.

"So... Do you like to paint often?" Remus inquired.

"I–I–I do, I suppose," she replied. "Most of the time I sketch, and then I paint if I have the time to. Preferably with watercolour."

"Does your mum or dad send you the supplies?" Remus glanced over. Loki was looking straight ahead, but her hand was fiddling with her dark locks.

"My dad does," she answered. "He likes art, too, and knows all the best supplies." She grinned.

"That's definitely handy," Remus chuckled. "What do you like to paint? You know, other than Sirius and myself, of course." He smirked.

Loki squeaked. She still couldn't believe then entire ordeal had actually occurred. The girl quickly stared at the floor, hoping her hair covered her red face. From beside her, she could hear Remus laughing.

"I–I–I–I..." Loki faltered, unsure of what to say. "I–I've been painting a tree that looks like the Whomping Willow recently." She confessed. "It's just for the background of something I had in mind, and it's not close to being finished yet."

"Hmm?" Remus hummed. His hazel eyes turned to her in curiosity. "The Whomping Willow?" She nodded in confirmation.

"I mean, it's not actually it, but it's inspired by it," Loki explained. Remus hummed in reply.

The two turned into the Great Hall after several minutes. Remus' pals were already sitting down. Loki felt extremely anxious to be eating with them but didn't vocalize her concerns. She kept her head down, only focusing on Remus' feet.

"James, Peter," Remus greeted his friends, "this is Loki Hawthorne."

"Ooh, is she your girlfriend, Moony?" James teased. Remus quickly told him off. Loki looked up, getting a good look at the brunette boy. "James Potter. Nice to meet you."

"You too," Loki nodded. "Hello again, Peter."

"Hi," Peter Pettigrew smiled. She could see he looked just as nervous as she felt and offered him a warm smile.

"Sirius out for a smoke again?" Remus questioned. The boys hummed, nodding their heads.

"Sirius smokes?" Loki asked, furrowing her eyebrows. Remus nodded. "That... Fits him completely."

"Should I be taking that as a compliment, or what, Doll?" Loki jumped at the familiar voice of the familiar boy who sat down beside her. "Moony asked you to join us, I assume?"

Loki turned to the boy, who donned a familiar smirk. She nodded. His smirk changed to a grin and he pulled both of his legs under the table.

"Well then, it's certainly nice of you to join us, Doll," he winked.

"I–I, uh... Thank you?" Loki squeaked.

"Sirius," Remus sighed.

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