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"Hm?" Loki closed her book on her thumb, moving it to the side to look down at Remus, who laid on her lap holding a book of his own. "What is it, Rem?" She queried, her free hand still toying with his hair.

"You still like me, right?" Remus queried, his hazel eyes connecting with Loki's green ones.

Loki frowned in confusion. "Of course I do, Remus," she replied. "We wouldn't be going out if I didn't."

Remus's eyes widened a fraction. A momentary look of fear crossed his features. Loki gasped, realising her words.

"I didn't mean for it to be a harsh as that! I'm sorry," she rushed ger apology. Her hand freed itself from his hair to slap over her mouth in embarrassment.

"It's okay, love—" Loki didn't know how to react to the nickname, but rolled with it as Remus pulled her hand back down to his hair "—I just have another question, and I needed to be sure."

"Oh, okay," Loki nodded. She began toying with his hair once again. "What did you want to ask.

"It's about Sirius—" he bookmarked his page, closing the book and placing it beside him as the girl watched "—what do you wanna do?"

"I—" Loki faltered. She lowered her hand and book, blinking at him in surprise. "What—what do you mean?"

"Well, I know you like Sirius, and he likes you, and I was just wondering if you wanted to do anything about it. I mean, I know we're dating and everything, and I trust you, Loki." Remus smiled at the girl

"Where did this come from?" Loki's voice raised several pitches as she spoke. "You don't think I'm going to leave you, do you? Or—or is this your way of breaking up? I—I—I don't understand."

"Hey, no," Remus sat up, placing a hand on the girl's cheek as his other hand supported him. Loki's hand fell from his head. "Why would I break up with you? I want you to be happy, love. And I don't know if you are."

"Remus," Loki let go of the book, her hands cupping his face as she laughed softly, "of course I'm happy with you." She pressed her lips to his. "And, yes, you're right, I do like Sirius. I just — I don't know. It's confusing because I like you, and I'm dating you, but at the same time, I like Sirius. I feel guilty, kind of." She ran her hand through her hair, letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry," Remus shook his head. "I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, it would have been brought up eventually," she replied. "I was avoiding it because I didn't want you to think badly of me."

"I could never think badly of you," Remus pressed a kiss to her lips with a smile. Loki giggled slightly, returning it the kiss as she felt her mood lift.

"Sometimes I think you're too good to be true," Loki murmured.

Remus chuckled at her comment, lacing their hands together. "Funny, because I think the same thing about you."

The pair went quiet. Remus watched their hands as he traced small patterns on Loki's soft skin. Loki, enjoying the calming feeling of his hand on hers, leant her head back against the tree it originally rested against. She breathed in deeply, her free hand running through the grass which was covered in light snow only a few hours prior. Loki smiled softly at the boy.

"Can I tell him?" She asked suddenly.

Remus looked up, slightly bewildered by her question. Loki stared at him, patiently awaiting his answer. His smile softened after a moment of processing.

"Loki," he spoke her name softer than he'd ever done, "if you want to, you can. I'll be fine as long as I've still got you, okay? We can figure it out, I'm sure."

"You're not weirded out by it?" Loki inquired, her hand coming up so she could bite the skin around her nail.

"No," Remus smiled. "I'll be with you no matter what, love."

"Thanks, Remus," Loki smiled.


"I—I want to ask him out," Loki told Nicolas once more.

He blinked, his eyebrows knitting tighter as he attempted to understand. Nicolas leant back on his hands, which gripped the end of the stone seat the pair sat on in the courtyard. His mouth opened and shut several times, appearing like a fish.

"But you're still with Remus?" Nicolas asked.

"I'll still with Remus," Loki nodded.

"And he knows, right?" Nicolas queried, tilting his head.

"He knows," Loki nodded again. "He's okay with it. He encouraged it, actually."

"Loki," Nicolas stepped up and grabbed the girl by the shoulders. "You want to ask out Sirius Black? The boy you've been pining after for three years? The one who has dozens of guys and girls who would fall to their knees for him?"

"Nic," Loki pouted, stepping back and falling onto the couch. "I like Remus, and I like Sirius, and I'm like 95% sure they like me back just the same. I say 95 because Sirius did kind of tell me he loves me, but I'm not sure if he meant it li—"

"Sirius Black said he loves you?" Nicolas blinked. "Holy shit!" Nicolas laughed loudly, throwing his head back. "Go! Ask him! While you're at it go ask out James for me."

"What?" Loki blinked at him.

"Don't worry," Nicolas waved her off casually, then jumped back with a grin. "But if Sirius told you he loves you, why haven't you done it yet? You're insane!"

"How am I supposed to, Nic?" Loki retorted. "Hey, Sirius, I've got something to ask. I know I'm dating your best friend, and the two of you restored that friendship after a massive fight less than a week ago, but do you want to go out with me? I know it sounds insane, but Remus said it was okay, so what do you think?"

"Well, Merlin, you're not going to get anywhere with that mess," both Hufflepuffs whipped their heads around in fear.

"James!" Loki stumbled backwards off the seat, stepping back a few more steps. "I—wha—you—we—"

"Relax," James held up his hand, walking over to the seat Nicolas stayed stationary on. "I've been waiting for this for weeks. Months, even. I'll help you so you don't end up coming out with whatever that was."

"Re—really?" Loki looked the boy over, sceptical.

"Promise," James beamed, resting his arm on Nicolas's head, who then looked at his best friend with an annoyed expression. "We're friends. Friends help each other."

"Thank you," Loki smiled.



hjonk. I luv u. Keep drinking water.

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