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Loki couldn't help but laugh as Sirius shivered. It turned out he had not thought the day would be that cold and had only worn a t-shirt under his jacket. But, when it began to sprinkle snow in front of the trio, he'd immediately regretted his decision.

"Then maybe don't underestimate autumn weather," she joked. "Here." Loki pulled the scarf from her neck, stopping the boy so she could tie it around his. "Better now?"

"I–I mean, I guess," Sirius shrugged, looking down at the dark scarf, "but what about you? Aren't you going to be cold?"

"I'm worried about that, too," Remus interjected. "I wouldn't want you catching a cold because Sirius didn't dress properly."

Loki waved the boys off. "It's fine," she smiled. "Nicolas says I need a break from school, anyway." She chuckled and scratched at the back of her bare neck.

"I don't mean to seem rude or anything," Remus spoke up after a moment, "but, um, is Nicolas your only friend?"

"I... I–I guess, yeah," Loki frowned. "I don't really socialize with others. It makes me really... Really, uh, like nervous. I just get really uncomfortable with people and I really don't want them to–to see that." She admitted, turning her gaze to the slightly snow-speckled path.

"Hmm," Sirius hummed. "Then how come you could talk to us?" He shot her a questioning look. "Is it because you drew us so you felt a little more confident, or...?"

"I just think it was because I was much more concerned about my, uh..." Loki swallowed, "art at that moment. I was so frantic about finding it. Or, maybe I was just in shock because you found an artwork I did of you two without permission, and I just thought that maybe you'd thin–"

Sirius placed his hand over her mouth, effectively shutting her up as she turned several shades of red. When he finally let her go, due to Remus's disapproving look, Loki's mouth hung open. She quickly shut it and turned away, clenching her sweating palms. Remus smiled from beside her.

"Sorry about Sirius," Remus sighed. Sirius just gave the boy a look as if to say 'what did I do?'.

"I–it–it's okay," Loki mumbled. "I–I ramble sometimes. Thanks for shutting me up."

Sirius shot a grin at the girl. He looked to his right, where he saw children giggled as they threw small clumps of snow at one another. He cocked his head at them. He wondered how kids could be so happy with even the slightest display of snow.

"Ah-choo!" The two boys whipped their heads to Loki, startled by the high-pitched sneeze that came from her. "Ah-choo!" She sneezed again.

"So, Sneezy," Sirius frowned, "maybe you do need this scarf back."

"No, no, no," she shook her head vigorously, heart thumping like crazy, "it was just a snowflake. A snowflake went up my nose," she informed them, rubbing her tickling nose. "It was not a pleasant experience."

Sirius couldn't help but laugh at the girl. Remus grinned, too, shaking his head slightly. Loki flushed.

"You–you said you wanted to see my other drawings, right?" She spoke up, hoping to change the topic.

"Mh-hmm," Remus hummed. "But I don't think sitting in the pub will be any good. It's going to be too loud." His hazel eyes flicked over to the large crowd by the pub, where several students entered as a small group left.

"There's a tree near the forest that probably might not have any snow," Loki suggested, "the branches provide a great shelter."

"Okay, then, Princess," Sirius threw his arm over her shoulder, "show us the way."


Loki smiled, planting herself on the patch of sheltered grass first. Remus followed her, sitting to her right. Sirius paused, frowning.

"You sure the snow won't come through?" He inquired, looking warily up at the foliage above.

"Yes," Loki laughed as she patted the spot on the other side of her.

Sirius shrugs. He jumps down beside her and grins. "You're right, Moony. It is nice." Sirius sighed leaning back against the trunk of the tree. Loki nodded, already pulling out the book from her bag.

She untied the rope around it as Remus also leant back. She hesitated for a moment. No one, other than Nicolas, had ever seen the inside of her book. It was like her own little sacred space. But, she knew she could, hopefully, trust Remus and Sirius enough. Biting her lip, she flipped it to the first page.

"Wait," Remus sat straight up, his hazel eyes fixed on the page, "you're not joking when you say you did this?"

"N–no," Loki replied, hanging her head. The boy stared.

"Is it good?" Sirius asked. Remus rolled his eyes and hit the boy in the stomach, causing him to cough as he sat up. "Merlin's sake, mate!" Sirius sputtered.

"Then take a bloody look, idiot!" Remus retorted. He motioned to the book, which Loki was holding tightly as she cowered away from the teenagers.

She could feel Sirius's presence beside her. He was silent, so she was sure he could hear the loud thumping of her heart. If he couldn't, she was sure Remus could. The boy seemed to have better hearing than anyone.

"How many pages have you filled?" Sirius asked, nudging the girl lightly.

"A–a few," she admitted, peeking up.

"Are there any others of me?" He joked, shooting her a wink.

"I–I–I can't remember," Loki answered. Sirius seemed to grin wider.

"S'pose we'll just have to see," Sirius grinned. Loki's face flushed and she tried to hide again.

What had she gotten herself in to?

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