Pastel Purple

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I watched her from afar.

She was so beautiful. Long brown hair with streaks of pastel purple. Gorgeous round grey eyes. Little pink lips curled up in a smile.

She wore something brazen today. A tight black top that showed off her chest and white jeans with black combat boots.

She was perfect.

And soon she would be all mine.

I'd waited long enough. For years I had watched her, waited patiently for the time I could take her as my own. It wasn't cheap to do what I was doing. I had to work hard and earn my keep. That's why it took so long to have her. But soon she would be mine.

I approached her apartment. I knew she was out with her friends. I always knew where she was.

I shifted my bag on my shoulder as I picked the lock on her apartment door. Then I stepped inside.

I inhaled deeply the scent of her home. It smelled just like her. Soft and sweet.

I didn't waste time and started installing the cameras. They would come in very useful. No more lingering outside her windows, wishing for her to open the curtains just so I could catch a glimpse of her face. Those desperate times were over.

A new time was coming.

I smiled thinking about it, thinking about her, thinking about how I would make her all mine.

But first, I had to tell her I was here.

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