Reckless Determination

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I knew she was going to try something. I saw it in her beautiful grey eyes, that reckless determination.

Now her grey eyes were filled with fear.

And I relished in it.

She drove down the empty roads, her hands gripped tight to the wheel. She stared straight ahead, refusing to look at me.

I smirked, fiddling with the gun in my lap. I caught her cast a worried look at it.

She was so adorable.

And I was thrilled.

It was finally happening. After all this time. She was finally going to be mine.

A little orange light lit up on the dash and she hesitated.

"I-I'm out of g-gas." She stuttered.

I ran my thumb over the gun and picked it up, waving her towards a gas station down the road. She pulled up to the pump and I cast her a steady look. My eyes were hard, my lips pressed tight together. She knew what I meant.

Don't do anything stupid.

I tucked the gun into the waistband of my jeans and got out of the car. I dealt with the pump when I heard a soft click behind me. I turned only to see Kasey had crawled into the passenger seat and opened the door. She looked back at me, stared me straight in the eye then took off running.

"Kasey!" I yelled.

I took off after her and thankfully I was much faster. I ran for fun, and she hated exercise, so I caught up to her quickly. I grabbed her arm and jerked her back into my chest.

She screamed and I covered her mouth with my hand.

The gas station cashier stepped outside, his eyes widening when he saw us. I pulled the hunting knife out of the waistband of my jeans and threw it. It struck the man straight between the eyes and he crumpled. Kasey started screaming again and I slam my hand back over her mouth.

"Damnit Kasey. Shut up." I snapped.

My hood had fallen off in the struggle,, leaving me in only the black ski mask. I started dragging her back to the car, but she wouldn't stop fighting me. When we reached the car I pushed her towards the passenger seat, but she spun around and punched me square in the jaw.

I gasped and lifted my eyes to look back up at her. She took off again but I grabbed her by the waist and threw her back against the car. She cried out and lashed out at me, punching, kicking, scratching. And in the struggle she tore the ski mask off my head.

Instantly she froze and her face lost all its color.

"Chase?" She breathed.

I slammed the butt of the gun into the back of her head and she collapsed in my arms.

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