Where's Tonya?

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Two hours later, Tonya still hadn't walked in the door. Chris was of course worrying more. Where could she be? What happened to her? He knew he should've let her go. God, how controlling was he being? He should've just let her walk Dodger then she would be home right now, and he could talk to her, maybe.

He straightened himself up and decided to go out and look for her. He grabbed his jacket and car keys. He knew that normally he'd be in bed right now, but he wasn't tired and needed to see if Tonya was ok. He walked out the door and locked it. He walked towards his car, and unlocked the driver's side, started it up and backed out of the driveway and drove onto the streets.

Chris drove around trying to find things that were open at this time of night. He searched every bar, every club around, but no sign of Tonya. He was starting to get worried that what if something happened to her? What if she was kidnapped?

After a couple hours, Chris was finally getting tired and he drove himself home. He parked in his driveway and walked into his house, upstairs. He took off his clothes and got under the covers. He was so exhausted, he didn't even want to wash up. It was all he could do.

Two days later, When Tonya still hadn't come home, Chris went down to the police station to file a missing person's report. He gave the description of Tonya. White, Age: 27, Brown hair, brown eyes, 5'5" about 105 pounds. (he was guessing) He also told them her fiancé or technically ex fiancé, was looking for her. He wasn't sure what he looked like, but he told the police to look out for a white male, (He guessed) around her age, maybe a bit older.

He just told them if she is found with a man, and seems uncomfortable, it's maybe him and that he's dangerous. The police agreed and Chris left the police station satisfied, they would do everything they can to find her. He also hoped she would come back on her own.

He went back to set and continued to work, trying to not think about this or fuel it into his performance. After that day was over, Chris went home and walked Dodger, since Tonya wasn't there to do it now. He went to get Dodger to take him for a walk, but Dodger didn't want to go. He was feeling about as sad as Chris was now. So, Chris just stayed with Dodger in his doggy bed in the living room. He petted him and cuddled with him.

The next morning:

Chris didn't listen to the voicemail's on her phone, as he already violating her privacy as it was. It was 9am already and 6am on the west coast, so he decided to wait a couple hours before calling her mom to see if she knew anything.

He made himself an omelet and around 11am, he went back upstairs to call Tonya's mom.

Tonya's mom answered a little hyper. "Tonya?? Oh thank god! How are you? Are you ok?"

"Mrs. Green, this is Chris Evans. I'm a friend of your daughters and I wanted to know if you heard from her by any chance."

"Oh hi." Mrs. Green said, not prepared for a man to be answering her daughters phone. "No I haven't. How do you know my daughter?"

"Well, she's been living with me. She came into town here over a month ago and she didn't have anywhere to stay, so I invited her to live with me. She takes care of my dog."

"Oh yeah she told me that. I assume since you asked me if I've heard from her, you haven't?"

"No, I haven't either."

"For how long?"

"About two days now."

"TWO DAYS?! And you haven't called the police yet?

"I just filed a missing persons report this morning. It's in their hands now."

Mrs. Green sighed. She knew that sometimes the police never followed through and she wished there was something else she could do. "Ok. Please keep me updated. Ok?

"No problem, Mrs. Green. I'll be sure to do so." He hung up and soon there was another phone call coming in. He looked at the number, hit answer and slowly brought it to his ear. "Hello?"

A man on the other end started to speak. "Hi is this Chris Evans?"

"Who's this?"

"This is Mark Hunter. Tonya's Finance. I think she might've mentioned me."

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing. Just calling to inform you that I have her."

"What do you mean have her?"

"I mean she's in the car with me right now."

"Are you serious?"

Mark gave the phone to Tonya. "Hi Chris. How are you?" She tiring to play it cool.

"Fine. How are you?" He asked playing along and knowing that Tonya was trying to remine claim while her hands were tided up.

"Oh, just fine too. The countryside is nice were in..." Mark hit her before she could spill the location. "Ow... I just mean we're having a nice time. Have a good drive." She said faking a smile.

"Ok. Well... Have fun. I'll find you Tonya, I promise."

"Alright. Have to go now. Bye."

Mark took the phone away and hung up. "That is the last time you'll speak to him, got that?" Tonya nodded and looked out the window trying not cry. Just when she thought she'd escaped Mark, he got her all too quickly. 

A/N: Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I can't believe that this story now has a little over 1000 views. Thank you so much for reading and supporting this story. Thank you also for the votes and comments. Keep them coming. I love you all. <3 <3 <3

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