Coming Back Home

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Dodger was sitting in the living room looking out the window. Even though he was just a dog, he knew just as much as his human Chris did that Tonya was coming home today. That, and Chris told him that she was. Very soon.

Chris, after getting the house ready, wasn't sure what to do about food. Had she eaten yet? Should he cook her something? Should he order her something and if he did, would it still be hot by the time she got here. Would she want to go out? All these things he wanted to ask but didn't want to scare her off again. He was also waiting nearby on the couch.

Around 4pm, Tiffany had pulled onto Chris's neighborhood. Tonya was getting nervous for some reason the closer they got to his house. This was what she wanted but would things be the same? Will he still want her? Would he think she was damaged goods? It wasn't like anything happened. There thank god wasn't any time for that.

They got closer and closer. The closer and closer they got the more nervous Tonya got. ''Can you slow down?"

Tiffany looked at Tonya strangely "What why? I'm going the min. speed limit."

"I just need more time!" She said bursting out in a gust.

Hearing Tonya yell like that, scared her for a second. She needed to pull over. She knew that Tonya was just stressed, and she didn't want to freak out on top of Tonya's freak out. She needed to be the strong one till after she brought her to Chris's.

She pulled over and took a deep breathe before speaking. "Okay Tonya. Why don't you want to see him? I thought you were excited to."

"I was... I am. It's just..." Tonya struggled to find the words.

Tiffany placed her hand on Tonya's shoulder and rubbed it. "It's going to be ok. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you once we get there. Do you want to go, because I don't mind you living with me in Boulder."

Tonya shook her head. "No! No, I want to see Chris. I want his hands on me and..."

Tiffany cut Tonya off. "I get it. Let's go. She put her gear in Drive and drove forward near Chris's place.

A few moments later, they got onto to Chris's street and soon got to his place at the end of it. Tonya took another breath as Tiffany pulled into the driveway. She stopped, parking behind Chris's car. Tiffany could tell because of Masseuses license plate vs. Tonya's Oregon plate. She turned to Tonya to check in with her. "You ready?"

Tonya nodded, "Yeah, I just need a moment."

Tiffany nodded, as well. "Sure. Take your time." She turned off the engine to not waste gas. Tonya didn't know why she was so nervous. She should be wanting to run out of Tiffany's car while it was still running just to get to him. Risking injuries and everything else after tucking and rolling. But here she was... stuck and almost not wanting to go to him.

Maybe she was upset that she didn't listen to him. Maybe so was he. Maybe he was about to lecture her about going out so late. Maybe that was what was stopping her. The more she thought about it, the more she was just overthinking it and making herself mentally sick. She turned to Tiffany, "Ok, I'm ready." She got out of the car and made her way up to the front door. Tiffany stayed there to make sure she got in safe.

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