Stocked Part Two

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The man stepped forward, took off his shades. "Are you Tonya Green?" The man asked trying to get a better look at her. He of course didn't as he was trying to keep a distance and not have her pick up that he was looking at her, but of course that didn't work.

Tonya stood there frozen, unsure to answer him. She wasn't sure who he was and why he was now in Chris's driveway. She should call the police on him.

Chris noticing that Tonya was a little scared, stepped forward to the man. Chris towering over the man. "I think the better question is: Who are you and what is your business here?"

The man didn't back down. He pulled out something from his pocket. "I'm detective Harold Rodriguez and I'm looking for Tonya Green. Her Finance Mark Stevens is looking for her."

Chris folded his arms, "Well she's not here. So why don't you go back to tracking down murders and rapists. You know... your actual job..

The man smirked as he never knew the action star Chris Evans to have an attitude like this before. Would he really be like this if Tonya weren't standing right there? "I think that's her. Show me your ID, sweetheart."

"I'm telling you it's not her. You need to get off my property before I call a real cop and tell them that you were harassing this nice young lady who was just minding her own business."

The Detective nodded and prized his lips and put away his bridge in his coat pocket and then pulled out his wallet. "Well, if you do ever see Ms. Green be sure to give me a call." The man smirked before handing Chris his card.

"Yeah, will do." Chris said sacristy, took the card and walked over to Tonya and placed his arm around her, walking her to the door. He unlocked the door and opened it for her, letting her go inside first. He looked back at the detective who then turned around and left. He then went inside, closed, and locked the door. Tonya took Dodger off the leash and hug it up on the leash tree. Chris walked over to her, "Are you ok?" He asked Tonya, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She nodded. "Yes I am. Thank you for helping me out there." She moved closer to him and pulled him in for a hug.

"My pleasure." Chris said before hugging her back and taking in her warmth. They stayed that way for a couple minutes before Tonya broke away.

She looked at Chris. "I just can't believe he found me so soon."

Chris looked back into her Brown eyes. "No, he didn't, remember?" He smirked.

Tonya smiled back to him. "I don't think he believed you but thank you. I'll figure this out eventually. Maybe I should just go back and talk to him."

Chris raised an eyebrow to her. "Why would you do that?"

"To get Mark off my back."

Chris shook his head. "You know that won't work. He'll just drag you back to Eugene and you'll just go back to that old life and I won't let you do that, because I care about you."

Tonya looked at Chris who know had both his hands on her shoulders. She nodded her head know he was right. She shouldn't talk to that detective. She just lost her mind there for a second. Tonya knew better than this. It was way she escaped in the first place because Mark was possessive and controlling. She won't put up with it anymore. "Your right. I like it here much better." She said smiling at him. "In fact... you want to do something tonight?"

"Sure, like what?"

"Well... I don't really want to go out tonight as I don't want to get spotted, so why don't we order in and watch something."

Chris thought to himself. "We could. Or I can cook us something."

"Are you sure?" She asked looking at him with sympathy, as he had been working this whole time and she should be cooking for him.

"Yeah, I don't mind. You should relax. Cooking relaxes me."

Tonya nodded. "Ok then. I'll just watch a movie or something in the meantime." She walked off and went upstairs. She turned on the lap top and logged into her Netflix account.

Chris went ahead and turned on the oven and got the chicken on of the fridge and started the prep for it. 

A/N: More to come. Thank you all for your patients and kind words about this story. 


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