A Family Gathering

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A few months later--

A lot has changed in Tonya's life in the last year. When she left her hometown, all she knew was, was that she needed to get away. That her relationship with Mark wasn't right. It wasn't right that he made her only just have an assiant job. It wasn't right that he basically controlled everything she did. Made her cook for him all the time. Have sex when she didn't want to.  Beat her about every little thing. It was okay for him to sleep with other women, but if she even talked to other man at work, he would yell at the man and hit her later after they got home from work.

She couldn't believe that it took her so long to leave. She was mad that he caught her so soon after she had gotten to Boston, but she was proud of herself for fighting back when she did. Mark was now in jail for killing some other woman that he took in after Tonya left. That poor woman. Tonya couldn't help but wonder what she could've done to deserve that. Mark was capable of many things, but she didn't think he was fully Ted Bundy, but she was wrong. She had hoped now at least that woman was in a better place.

Things were different now. She was in a different town, and had a new life and with a new man that treated her the way she should be treated. And to think, it was was because of the sweet medium sized dog that was laying next to her as she was writing out a new story.  If it weren't for this sweet dog running after her and getting that man that attacked her. If it weren't for this white and tan, four legged creature, she would've never met Chris and had a nice life that she is having with him. 

Chris was different that Mark. He let her have her own interests and let her have her time to herself, if she needed it, but was still there for her. Without judgement and without punishment her afterwards. He was just a real partner and also... very good in bed. He seemed to care about what she liked and cared that she wanted to be with him. She didn't know what she did to deserve him, but she was so grateful for him.

She saved her work and began to cook the meal for both Chris and Tonya's family. Tonya's mom and sister were coming over and Chris was having his parents, his brother and sisters over. Sometimes when Tonya was sick and couldn't go to work. The few times that Mark would let her stay home, she and watch One Life to Live. It was a weird comfort to her. It made her life seem less dramatic by comparison

Tonya couldn't wait to meet his family and for him to meet hers. She knew that they should've done the meeting separately but She wasn't sure how much time Chris would be starting a work on a new movie, and she would be busy with work and getting the book published and possibly doing book signings. That she couldn't wait. She hoped that her book would inspire other woman to get out of their abusive relationship sooner than she did.

Tonya thought about while this while she rolled out lausauga dough and put it in the noddles in the pan and layered it with sauce and spinach and cheese. (She would take a lactaid for this.) 

As Tonya was placing it in the oven, Chris slowly walked into the kitchen from his phone call with his agent. He slowly wrapped his arms around her when she stood up. "Hey." He said.

"Hey." Tonya said back with a smile. "I feel like I haven't seen you all day or weeks." 

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