At Tiffany's Place

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"So, you were with Mark for how long?" Tiffany asked Tonya as she was making her and Tonya some veggie burgers, she made herself from pinto beans and spices.

"Far too long." She said cut open sweet potatoes for fries. Tiffany said she didn't have to, but Tonya insisted on helping. Tiffany's kitchen was every cozy, but inviting with Sapphire blue paint on the walls, with yellow curtains by the windows and in the living room. "I met him my last year of college and he offered me a job in his company as an assailant and we got engaged a couple years ago and that was when he started to get abusive."

Tiffany nodded as she formed the patties and put them in the heated frying pan. "I see. And you're still with him now? Is he the person you mentioned still having feelings for?"

"No I did run away from him for a couple month and I ended up moving in with someone else."

"OOOOHH, nice." Tiffany smirked to Tonya.

Tonya scoffed. "It wasn't like that. Not at first. I met him when his dog rescued me from getting raped by this homeless man and I called the owner and the owner as a thank you and saw that I didn't have a place of my own wanted me to move in with him and Dodger, his dog seemed to like me." She put the chopped sweet potatoes in the other frying pan with olive oil. "Soo.. long story short, I moved in with him."

"And he's the one you have feelings for?"

"Yeah. And I wish I could get back to him, but I don't know when that will happen. Or how."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... my cell phone is at his place and so is my truck, and my purse."

"Well, I can take you. We can leave early tomorrow morning if you want."

Tonya was still so shocked by her graininess that she hugged her after putting down the mini cutting board on the counter. "Oh, thank you, Tiffany! Thank you!" She hugged her tightly.

Tiffany couldn't breathe, so she tapped her on Tonya's back after a min, "Please save some of this for... what's his name?"

Tonya let go and faced Tiffany "Chris. His name is Chris." She said with a big smile on her face as she flipped the fries.

Tiffany smiled back at her. "Well, anyone that makes you smile like that, you need to try and be with and I'm happy to help get you to them." She flipped the burgers. The ladies had a nice lunch and Tiffany talked about her girlfriend, Amber and then Tiffany gave Tonya her number to call Chris. She went into the room she would be staying at while Tiffany went to go get her some pajamas and to pack up an outfit for Tonya to wear tomorrow along with some sandwiches and other road trip snacks. Tonya went to dial her own cell number as she hadn't memorated Chris's number. She dialed it and placed it up to her ear while it rang.

Chris heard Tonya's phone ring after he turned it back on. He was leaving the set on his final day of filming Defending Jacob. It was from a number he didn't reclines. He had been getting a lot of those. Some were by the police giving him updates and some were just wrong numbers. The latter were starting to get on his nerves. He hoped for good news this time. "Hello?" He answered as he walked towards his car.

Tonya took a deep breath before answering. "Hi Chris." She said sweetly as it had been days since she heard his voice. Her heart began to filter.

"Tonya?" He asked stopping in his tracks. He wasn't excepting to hear from her. He wondered if Mark is putting her up to this.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Are you ok?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Are you alone?"

"Yeah, I'm staying at someone's house for the night. I'm calling to tell you that I'm coming back to Boston. Driving with Tiffany the girl I'm staying with tomorrow morning."

Chris was delighted to hear that. He missed Tonya. He needed Tonya. But there was one other problem that concerned her. "What about Mark?"

"He's in jail. We were at the Cracker Belull and Tiffany was helping escape and Mark caught us and picked a fight and Tiffany held him down and another waitress, Katie called the police, saying he was acting hostel towards the waitstaff, so there you go."

"Wow... that's good news. So you're coming home soon?"

Home. Those words sounded right coming from him. Not Mark. Never Mark. "I should be there in a couple days. I'll call you when I'm close."

Chris smiled. "Ok then. I'll see you when you get here."

Tonya smiled "Yes. I'll see you then." They both hung up at the same time. Tonya couldn't help but smile as she sat down on the bed. She wanted to be with Chris now after everything she had been through. She needed him and he was good to her. Tiffany knocked on the bedroom door a few moments later. "Come in." Tonya said as she looked over towards the door.

Tiffany came in with the folded Pajama's in her hand. "I thought you would like some fresh clothes to sleep in instead of what you're wearing."

"Thanks Tiffany. That's so sweet of you." She gets up and smiles as she takes the clothes from her. "So that was him, huh?"

Tonya nods as she gets back in the bed. "Yeah. I can't wait to see him."

"That should be good. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah." The ladies then go into Tiffany's Livingroom where she turns on the Hulu. Then afterwards, they both go to bed early as they have an early morning start and a long drive ahead.

A/N: Hey Everyone! So sorry I didn't update last week, I wasn't feeling well.  Hope you like this chapter. 

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