Meeting Up With Chris Evans

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Chris had gotten to the café about five minutes to 9am. He wondered why on his day off he was meeting this girl so early. He could've slept in, but he really wanted to see Dodger again. He couldn't really rest till he would see his boy again. It was weird to say that Dodger was like a sun to him. He always found it weird when people would treat their pets like that or better than people. While, Chris didn't do that, Dodger was his baby and he loved him like he was his son.

He had channeled everything he was feeling in the episode they were shooting yesterday, and it paid off, but made him feel depressed afterwards. However, when he heard Tonya's voice, it perked him up and made him feel better that somebody was looking out for him and kept him safe. It was a mystery as to who this girl was and why she would do such a thing.

He thought about that as he parked in the lot. Got out. He opened his car door to let Dodger out, then realized he wasn't there. Force of habit. They would be reunited soon enough. He walked to an outside table and waited. He wondered if he should order a coffee or wait for her to order coffee with her. He decided to wait. He had a cup to wake up and one after his morning workout, so he decided to wait a bit.

Tonya arrived in her truck and near the front of the café. She got out of the car with her purse over her shoulder and held the car door open. "C'mon, Dodger jump out. There you go boy."

Chris heard this and sent her a text so that him waving next wouldn't seem creepy. She got out her phone after hearing it beep, and hoped it wasn't Mark. She looked it and saw it was from Chris. She opened it up and read.

"I'm here. I'm outside. I'm the one standing."

She then looked to the outside tables. Chris waved his hand and Tonya closed the drivers side door and managed to get Dodger to follow him while walking over to the pavement and to the café tables. She was surprised that there was only one other person who was alone, just minding their own business reading something off their phone. "Chris Evans, I presume?" She asked trying to see if he was Dodger's owner. She didn't mean to sound so formal and uptight.

"Yes, that is me. Are you Tonya? I'm only guessing cause I heard you saying my dog's name."

Tonya smiled, "Yes I am. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand to shake.

He took hers and they shook for a few moments before reluctantly letting go. "Shall we sit?" Chris offered, waving his hand to offer her a sit at the near by table, letting her go ahead and take his seat. She sat down and he sat across from her and Dodger sat down between them.

Tonya took not of this as they sat down, "Wow... he really is well behaved."

Chris smiled. "It took a while to train him, but once he was trained, it was lovely. You want to order something?"

"Sure." Said Tonya even though she hadn't looked at the menu yet.

Chris pointed his finger up to get the waitresses attention. "Hello how are we this morning?"

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