Chapter 3

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Hilda was murderous the next day.

Rebekah had come home just before afternoon, her hair messed up and her dress ripped.

"Well, well, well, there's our girl," said Kol, clapping dramatically. Klaus looked up from where he was sketching, and Hilda stood to come closer to her sister.

"Who was it, Bex?" she asked curiously. "Out all night..."

"Get out of my way, Hilda," she said irritably.

"Snappy retort," noticed Kol. "Was it that commoner, Matt?"

"If you two don't shut your mouths, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth!"

Klaus grinned at this, and Rebekah rounded on him. "Don't start, Nik!"

"I didn't say anything," Klaus said innocently.

Hilda leaned onto Rebekah's shoulder. "Come on, Bex, tell us who it was. I'm bored, and I want some entertainment. We can go meet your new beau."

Rebekah pushed her off. "Shut up, Hilda!"

"At least you're having fun," said Kol. "So much fun, that you're secretive about it..."

Klaus raised his eyebrows. "There is nothing stopping you from having fun. Go on, have at it."

"It's boring to go by ourselves," sighed Hilda.

Kol perked up. "Join us, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in our hearts."

Klaus conceded. "Okay. Why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date."

"Well, we would have succeeded, if Damon hadn't interrupted us," Hilda said lowly.

At the mention of Damon, Hilda caught a slight twitch in Rebekah's lips. The brothers went silent, as they had noticed it too.

"Hilly, we should go and get some drinks," suggested Kol after a tense moment when Rebekah turned to look at Hilda.

But she wasn't listening. "You slept with him?" sneered Hilda.

"So what if I slept with him?" Rebekah exclaimed. "You haven't marked him as yours, have you, sister? I'm at perfect liberty to!"

"You quite obviously saw that I was interested in him! You didn't even end up setting me up with him-"

"Maybe if you weren't such a deranged twat, you'd have gotten him yourself! Oh, wait, the last time you had a serious relationship was a thousand years ago!"

Hilda balled up her fists. "Careful where you tread, Rebekah, because you don't want to go there."

Rebekah's eyes flashed darkly. "Ashamed you have no experience? Embarrassed you haven't slept with anyone since the eleventh century? Since Tristan? You don't know how to speak with men, Hilda, you're just not desirable enough-"

Kol leapt up to pull his twin back. "No, let me hit her," snarled Hilda, "she'll see she got herself into a bloody mess-"

"Oh, yes," Rebekah chortled, "you may be very good at fighting, but you're not good enough when it comes to attracting some fun-"

"Rebekah," Elijah said warningly.

"What, Elijah?" she snapped. "If Hilda wants to act hurt, she should have tried harder, instead of being an unattractive, homicidal lunatic!"

"I'LL SHOW YOU HOMICIDAL!" screeched Hilda, thrashing so erratically that Klaus and Elijah had to help Kol hold her back.

"Let's go to the bar, sister, come on," said Klaus. Though she was still fuming curses at Rebekah, the brothers dragged her out of the house.

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