Chapter 8

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Rebekah, seeing how miserable her sister was, dragged her to clean at Mystic Falls High School.

"Why are we here, Bekah?" asked Hilda in annoyance.

"Because we need to clean the gymnasium and cafeteria after last night's dance, Hilly." She dragged her into the messy dining hall and picked up a trash bag. "You need a distraction, so here, have at it."

Hilda rolled her eyes. "Thanks, sister, you're the best," she said sarcastically.

The two had only been cleaning for only a short while before Caroline arrived. "Where's Matt?" she asked aloud.

"He bailed," said Rebekah. "Got called into work at the last minute, so I brought Hilly with me."

"Are you kidding me?" said Caroline. "So, it's just us?"

Rebekah cast her an annoyed look. "Yes, and you're late. Clean up committee started at eight o'clock."

"It's like, 8:02," Caroline scoffed.

"Exactly," said Rebekah. "I managed to turn up on time and I didn't even get to attend the dance that I organized."

Caroline wrung her hands together, looking as the two Originals moved about, tossing every decoration into their bags. "I'm sorry about your mom," she said softly. "I mean, I know you like, hated her and everything, but still... I'm sorry."

Hilda said nothing, but Rebekah looked at Caroline over her shoulder. "I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy, from what Hilly told me."

Caroline pursed her lips. "Yeah. He was."

"I'm going to go clean the gym," Hilda blurted out, dropping the bag she'd been filling. "Preferably, don't join me until you've left this place shining."

She walked out into the hallway, eyes shut and rubbing her arms as she tried to calm down. It was like an itch that wouldn't go away. She wanted to kill everything in sight. She wanted to snarl and have blood running down her chin and dripping to the floor.

Next thing, her head was bashed into a locker, and she opened her eyes, startled, to see Alaric.

"What the-?" He raised a White Oak stake, and she only barely dodged, trying to throw him off, but he was too strong, and gripped her by the throat, making her wheeze as she tried to throw him off.

He was torn off of her by Rebekah and Caroline, who had heard the commotion. Rebekah took the stake from him and stabbed him in the side with it, making him yell in pain, and in the moment where he was distracted and looked down, the three vampires sped away.

"He's supposed to be dead!" cried Rebekah as he and Hilda landed in the parking lot. The elder Original was rubbing her throat, the bruising only just now fading.

"He transitioned," she croaked. "He-"

They heard a loud crashing noise and watched as Alaric, now out in the daylight, slammed Caroline's head into her car in the moment that she fumbled with her keys, then snapped her neck. Rebekah yanked Hilda down behind one of the cars, and the two sisters watched as Alaric dragged the unconscious Caroline back into the school. There was smoke billowing over his skin- he was burning, without a daylight ring. And yet, he continued to trudge back into the building.

"Bloody fucking hell," said Rebekah. "We've got to tell Nik."

They sped back to the mansion, finding Klaus and Kol packing up the items in the house.

"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill Hilda," said Rebekah loudly as they entered.

Both brothers whipped their heads up. "Alaric Saltzman is supposed to be dead," said Klaus.

Forever Original | Alaric SaltzmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang