Chapter 58

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Hilda went to check on Kol, who was livid.

"They haven't told him to piss off," sneered Kol as he paced in the dining room. "What the hell do they think they're doing? You've got two little girls in danger because of him being here and I can't stand to see his stupid face."

"You ought to distract yourself," suggested Hilda as she came to stand beside him. "Call Davina. She can come to see the babies."

Kol decided he liked this idea. He called Davina, and within fifteen minutes, she had arrived. Ignoring the distant conversation between Freya and Finn, Hilda led Kol and Davina to her room and through the adjoining door to where Alaric had finished putting the babies into their onesies for the day.

Davina squealed and moved forward slowly, sitting at the edge of the bed. "They're so cute, aw, they look bigger already!"

"You can hold Josie," offered Alaric, picking up the smaller twin. "Lizzie's a bit fussy at the moment."

To prove his point, Lizzie started to whine and squirm, gurgling almost angrily. Hilda picked her up and set her facing the others while she rubbed her belly. Davina took Josie and cradled her carefully, adjusting the little hat she had on to warm her ears.

Hilda and Kol were watching for a moment, but both tensed when they heard the start of a more violent conversation downstairs. "Now he's yelling at Freya," said Kol darkly, making his way to the door. Hilda followed, and the two sped to one of the downstairs lounges, where it seemed Finn had indeed grown cross with Freya. The twins remained hidden in the shadows, since it seemed Elijah had already come to intervene.

"Freya, would you excuse us just a moment, please?" asked Elijah. "I believe my brother and I have some catching up to do."

The twins heard Freya storm out, and from the distance, they could hear her sniffling— Finn must have made her cry. Elijah spoke again, "So, tell me— how was Hell? Is it warm this time of year?"

Kol stifled a snort as Finn sighed. "You always had a penchant for idle chat."

"Well, perhaps we could discuss something a bit more constructive."

"Do you intend to threaten me into being a better brother?" snapped Finn.

"Depends," replied Elijah. "Why are you here?"

"Could you believe me if I told you I'd changed?" asked Finn.

"Have you?" inquired Elijah skeptically.

They heard Finn moving around the room. "Yes... and no. All that time trapped alone in Freya's pendant, I was able to reflect on what we've become over a millennium. I'm still sickened by what you are, but I'm done trying to atone for past sins."

"It is curious the way you speak as though you and I are not the same," mused Elijah.

"We are not the same!" Finn sneered. "You see, I still have a chance at some small happiness, and I'm going to take it. My proposal is simple— allow Freya to put me back in a witch's body. Let the two of us go, and I promise never to look back again."

At this, Kol growled and sped away. Hilda made to follow, but she heard her two brothers cease their conversation. Elijah walked away, and in her annoyance, Hilda moved through the doors to confront Finn. "That's it, then?" she said coldly. "You just want to steal another body? You think that'll make you happy?"

He faltered at the sight of her. "I... I was told by Freya about how you came to become a mother."

"Ah, should I be prepared for grotesque insults right about now?" she said, crossing her arms. "Going to tell me how much you pity those little girls? Have at it, Finn, I'm sufficiently exhausted and I wouldn't mind bashing your face in."

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