Chapter 54

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She awoke to the sound of crying.

Long ago, when Henrik had been born, Hilda and Kol had awaited at their mother's bedside, assisting the midwife who was going to bring their brother into the world.

The first thing they had heard when the cord was cut was the sound of a wail. Kol had made a face and covered his ears— his six year old self had no desire to be annoyed by yet another child's crying.

Hilda had been in awe. Henrik had been cleaned up and wrapped in a cloth and handed to Esther. Mikael was allowed in, and he'd entered the tent to find Hilda leaning over her mother's shoulder, her eyes sparkling at the sight of her baby brother.

"Mama," she had squeaked in a small voice. "Give him an 'H' name!"

Esther cast her a smile. "What about Henrik?" She and Mikael had already decided on this on a previous day, having thought to name the child Astrid if it was a girl, and Henrik if it was a boy.

Hilda giggled. "Little Henrik." She leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on his head. "So small..."

"You were once this small, too," said Esther as Kol tiptoed back once Henrik had ceased crying. "The both of you were smaller than this, as you were sharing space."

"Smaller than that?" gasped Kol. "But he's like Hilda and Rebekah's dolls!"

Esther laughed lightly. "Yes, he sort of is."

The other Mikaelsons had been allowed in once Esther had felt up for it, and they had crowded around their mother at the sight of their smallest sibling. Mikael picked Rebekah up to get a better look, and Finn hoisted Kol up so he could be beside him and Elijah, observing Hilda, who had yet to leave her mother's side.

"He's so tiny, Mother," observed Klaus, leaning over and putting his hand tentatively against Henrik's head. "And fragile."

"Most creatures are like that when they are born," said Esther, moving so that Elijah could take a turn holding Henrik. They all seemed in awe of the small bundle. "They come into the world innocent and pure, small and unprepared. Though many animals already know what they must do, we take a bit longer to gather our bearings. Henrik will need all of you to guide them. He won't become a big brother, but he will have four fine brothers and two doting sisters that will watch over him, yes?"

The siblings nodded. "Yes, Mother."

"Out of the tent, now," commanded Mikael, seeing Henrik needed to be fed. "To bed."

Squealing, Rebekah had been handed off to Finn, who led the way for them to return to where they slept. Hilda had not wanted to go, resting her head on her fist and looking over Henrik's face.

"Hilly, come on," said Klaus, already dragging Kol with him to follow obediently behind Finn and Elijah.

"Just a bit longer," she said, looking up at Mikael with big eyes. "Please, Papa?"

Mikael sighed. "Hilda, your mother needs her rest, as does your brother. You can still see him tomorrow, and every day from now on."

Esther smiled and urged her to listen. "I am tired, Hilda. Listen to your father. Please."

Hilda pouted, but got up, and Mikael urged her to leave behind her siblings, though she looked back and smiled before running off.

Now, she was the one who lay, exhausted, in the bed, while the two little creatures that'd been in her womb cried and cried for some attention.

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